How to Join eFlyers


1. You must be a resident owner or renter of The Villages, FL

2. You must obtain (or have) an AMA membership

3. Take the FREE, online FAA TRUST exam

4. When a membership application is filled out the following 1x fee(s) will be paid:

      $60 for experienced pilots not requiring instruction

      $90 for pilots requiring instruction
NOTE: The 1x fees INCLUDE your first-year membership dues.     

5. If you fly your own plane, you must register with the FAA 


1. We strongly encourage you to visit us on the Villages north or east polo field any weekday between 8:00 and 11:00 before you apply for membership to the club.  We would really like to meet you and have a chance to tell you about the club. Feel free to talk with any of our members and watch the planes flying.  Anyone can direct you to one of the officers who will explain more about the club requirements.

2.  You must first become a member of the national AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics). You will need your AMA member number to fill out the Villages E-Flyers Application form.  Please use the link on the left "Membership - AMA" to join the AMA.

3.  When you receive your AMA membership ID number, print a hard copy of the Villages E-Flyers membership application form (see the "Application Form" link on the menu to the left) and fill out the requested information.

4.  Make your check out to "Villages E-Flyers"

5.  Please bring your application to the Villages north polo field any morning Monday through Friday.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the club President Ron Kaminski at 304-305-3177