eFlyers Application Form
Villages E-Flyers
2023 Membership Application as of 9-4-2024
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We strongly encourage you to visit us on the Wildwood Community Center Flying Field on M-W-F between 8:00am and 11:00 before you apply for membership to the club. We would really like to tell you about the club. Feel free to talk with any of our members and watch them fly and discuss the clubs requirements.
Membership Requirements:
Aircraft/Drone must be electric powered & 6 lbs or less
Register with AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics. The Villages E-Flyers is an AMA Chartered Club. Link - http://www.modelaircraft.org/
Register with the FAA. Required by the FAA if you own an R/C aircraft or drone. Link - http://www.faa.gov/uas/registration/
E-Flyers name badges must be purchased at a cost of $7.00 directly to
Allan Campney
Simply email your name (and you are an eflyers member) to Allan and he will contact you when your name badge is ready.
Date of application: _________________________
Name (please print): _________________________________________________
Spouse/Partner: __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Village: ______________________________________ Zip Code: ______________
Phone Number: ______________________________________
E-Mail: __________________________________________________
AMA Number: ______________________(Not applicable for non-flying members)
AMA Expiration Date ______________________
1x Fee $60.00 Experienced, flight training not required. / $90.00 flight training required.
Total Fee Paid: $_________ (Make checks payable to: The Villages E-Flyers)
R/C model aircraft/drone experience and other R/C club membership.
Please bring the completed application to the Wildwood Flying Field M-W-F 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
If you have any questions please talk to any member at the field or contact the membership chairman,
Vito Lomenzo at 201 264-0218 or vlomenzo@outlook.com