eFlyers Flying Rules
Field Rules & Procedures
Revised 8-30-2024
The E-Flyers is a chartered AMA club. The Wildwood Community Center (complex) is owned by the city of Wildwood and is not part of The Villages. We as a club pay for an additional insurance rider through AMA that protects the the City of Wildwood against liability. Therefore, membership in the E-Flyers is mandatory in order to fly there. However, it is possible that one accident involving a model and a spectator, club member or property could revoke our flying privileges. It’s in the E-Flyers best interest that all members keep flying as safe as possible. Our flying site is well maintained at very little cost to the club.
General Rules
1. The regular flying site is on a back field to the north of the Wildwood Community Center building as designated on this map.
2. Maximum ready to fly weight of a plane/drone is 6 pounds. However, a member may request a waiver to fly a plane/drone heavier than 6 pounds. The waiver shall be issued by the Board of Directors and shall apply to a specific plane/drone. Each additional overweight plane/drone will require a separate waiver.
3. Flying “fast” ducted or high rpm models is allowed provided the pilot demonstrates the ability to fly it in a safe manor.
4. Aerobatics such as loops, rolls, etc. should be performed not closer than the center of the field unless NO other planes are flying at the time.
5. PILOT STATIONS will be designated by markers on the ground. Flying closer than 25 feet in front of the pilot stations is prohibited unless an aircraft is hand-launched (per below).
6. Do not hog the flying stations. After your flight give other pilots a chance to fly.
7. Only four pilots shall be flying at a time. Keep your flight time to 10 minutes when the field activity is heavy.
8. Do not fly over or in close proximity to workers that may be on the field.
9. Drones, 3D flying and Helicopters should be flown in a designated area apart from the primary stations.
10. If you are flying on the old 72 MHz frequencies check with other pilots on your channel before you turn on your transmitter.
11. Do not fly alone. One additional responsible person MUST be present at the field. This is for your safety.
12. Please inform all non AMA guests/visitors to stay at least 10 feet behind the pilot stations for safety reasons.
13. Flying using First Person Video (FPV) must be done in accordance with the procedures outlined in AMA document 550.
14. AMA Membership is mandatory. All aircraft must contain owner information in compliance with AMA rules.
15. Prospective instructors shall be recommended by the Chief Flight Instructor and approved by the Board. An instructor may teach without a buddy box with the approval of the Chief Instructor.
16. An experienced pilot may teach a friend with the approval of the Chief Instructor or in his absence a Board Member’s approval.
17. Obstructions such as a windsock are to be located at least 5 feet behind the flight stations, so as to not block or distract a pilot’s view of the runway or flying area.
18. If a new member or guest flyer declares that he/she is experienced, he/she must demonstrate the ability to fly safely and be in complete control of the aircraft. This will be accomplished by the first flight being witnessed by an Instructor, Board Member, or Safety Officer. If the member or guest fails this demonstration, he/she will be required to fly with an instructor until deemed proficient.
19. All members must display their Club ID Badge in order to fly.
20. Students must pass a flight review before soloing. Flight review shall include demonstration of the ability to control the aircraft in flight, fly left or right hand traffic pattern, Figure 8, taxiing, takeoff, and landing. Knowledge of battery and propeller safety is also required.
Field Operations
1. All flight operations are to be kept within the perimeter of the field, but no closer than 25 feet to the border boards.
2. Hand launching of aircraft should be performed as follows:
a. It’s best to have an assistant launch the aircraft. The assistant is to launch larger aircraft at least 25 feet beyond the “border boards” while the pilot remains at the flight station. The pilot announces “ON THE FIELD FOR A HAND LAUNCH,” making sure the other pilots hear you. This allows an extra safety margin if complete control is not achieved in the first few seconds of flight. The assistant declares “off the field” when returning to the flight stations.
b. Hand launch of “MICROS” may be accomplished from one of the designated pilot stations behind the boards. Announce “HAND LAUNCHING A MICRO” so that other pilots are not distracted when they see an aircraft fly close to them. Micros must be flown from a regular pilot station (General Rule 5) and are counted as one of five pilots as per General Rule 7.
c. Hand launches, other than MICROS, to be 25 feet from the boards, however, a waiver to launch other types of aircraft from the boards can be approved by any club or Safety officer. This privilege can be rescinded if there are any unsafe practices.
d. Paragliders must launch 25 feet from the boards and use a spotter when hand launching.
e. All aircraft must be cleared off the field as quickly as possible.
3. Retrieval of an aircraft that is incapable of taxiing back to the pits:
a. Before entering the field, position yourself so you can walk straight out to your aircraft, 90 degrees to the flight line. DO NOT WALK ON A DIAGONAL TO THE AIRCRAFT.
b. The person on the field has the right of way. If you have an in flight emergency (dead stick or control malfunction) you may have to sacrifice the aircraft to avoid the person on the field.
c. Announce your intentions to other pilots: “ON THE FIELD”. Make sure all pilots hear you. Check to make sure no one is taking off or landing before entering the field.
d. If you’re retrieving a damaged aircraft, make sure all large and small parts are picked up. Return to the pits as quickly as possible as other pilots may be waiting to land or takeoff.
e. Once you’re off the field, announce “CLEAR OF THE FIELD”. This is a courtesy to the other pilots so they know the field is clear for normal operations.
4. When someone announces that they are “ON THE FIELD”, they have the right of way. All pilots must fly in a manner as to not endanger the person on the field.
5. TAKEOFFS: Taxi the aircraft out to the runway/active field, 25 feet beyond the flying stations before commencing the takeoff roll.
6. FLYING PATTERN: Flying pattern will be determined by the direction of the wind indicated by the field Wind Arrow. Default for cross-winds shall be a counter-clockwise flight pattern.
7. LANDING: When setting up for landing, announce your intentions to the other pilots, “LANDING LEFT TO RIGHT” or “LANDING RIGHT TO LEFT”. This will insure that the other pilots give you the right of way. Try to land into the wind.
8. DEAD STICK LANDING: If you have an in flight motor failure, immediately announce “DEAD STICK” to the other pilots. They should give you the right of way for an immediate landing,
9. Do not at any time overfly the pilot stations, pits or spectator areas.
10. If you are having trouble controlling your aircraft or lose sight of it, ask for help. “I NEED HELP” is the usual cry. There may be someone standing by that can help you get it back safely.
11. During times of low flying activity, flights may exceed 10 minutes. Also, at these times, a pilot may choose to be seated away from a pilot station. This is permitted, however a red colored clothespin must be attached to a pilot station number indicating it’s in use.