Ideas and Examples, pt. 1

Post date: Sep 08, 2015 11:26:7 PM

Throughout the course of our preliminary research, our team plans to filter through any existing timelines we find online. The purpose of this is to discover ideas that we feel are extremely helpful in the timeline we hope to create, or to learn how ideas and functions we wish to create are implemented in existing applications. One of the best timelines we have discovered so far can be found on the BBC website here.

It has a very smooth looking zoom function, as well as a working filter (in this case, regions of the United Kingdom). Another cool function that we may take into consideration is BBC's "Take a Journey" button, which provides several different events throughout history that all fall under the same theme, such as Slavery. The timeline also splits the history of Britain up into different time periods, which we feel would be greatly beneficial, even just for research purposes. The ideas we were presented with this website were thought provoking and extremely helpful. Overall, we strive to create a timeline as efficient and professional as BBC's.

- Anthony Lawinger