Finals Week...
Post date: Oct 13, 2014 7:11:23 PM
Here at WPI it's finals week and the Venice Atlas Team has not only been studying really hard, but working diligently on our project. Tonight is the practice run for our final presentation and our team feels ready to give a memorable performance. Our proposal for IQP is nearing its completion and after putting the final touches on it, we have determined it will be ready for final submission soon. You can see what progress that has been made on the proposal and the presentation in the tabs to the left.
The team has also been working hard on whatever they can on their deliverables before our plane has even left the ground. Will has informed me he has successfully been able to update the De'Bararberi explorer. The link to our progress is posted below.
Sopheaktra has been focusing on the fountains element of the project. His efforts have created the form that we will be filling out to assess the condition of the fountains in Venice. By creating this excel form it will also allow us to link the data of each fountain with its location on the GIS map.
As far as the work Tom and I have been working on, there has been a little frustration working with QGIS as well as Photoshop. We only currently have one copy of Photoshop for Windows which is not helpful for a Mac user like myself. QGIS has also given its own problems such as linking our created shapfiles to overlay the parish maps that has been already created. We have been making progress on this portion of the project, but have nothing to really show yet.