Simulator Download
Get the most recent zip file below (it also contains help files and demo files). You must first click on the file to open an new preview window, and then click the small download icon that appears at the upper right of that window (there may be a substantial delay before the download starts).
Note that the translations of some of the names of 'I/O' devices, and of Preference phrases, may have changed in V2.8. If loading your existing translated 'I/O' device files causes "unrecognized device" pop-ups , first load them using your previous UnoArduSim version, change the Preferences language to 'en', and then Save your 'I/O' devie file (to save it as an English file) -- V2.8, with Preferences set to 'en', can then load the English file. You can then change the Preference language back, and Save the 'I/O' device file as the new V2.8. translated text in your language (if you wish).
Version 2.0 and higher were developed in QtCreator, THese new versions now have support for multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, German, Portuguese, Russian, and Turkish so far), Please see the READMEV2.8.txt file included in the zip file for more information, and if you would like to volunteer to provide keyword translations for another language (or to do more extensive edits) , see the Translations page.
The application is not yet digitally signed, so you will get the usual warnings from Windows when trying to launch it, and from your browser on downloading the zip file, both of which you can safely ignore. Please check the About Me page for some reassurance about me and therefore the safety of these download file executables (see instructions in About Me on how to find my profile on the Professional Engineers Ontario web site).
We now seem to be past the older Windows Defender false detection problems with UnoArduSIm.exe. See the unzipped READMEV2.2.txt file for more details, and how to get around this problem IF THIS ISSUE SOMEHOW POPS UP AGAIN. If you ever have any doubt about the exe that the zip file contains, please submit the downloaded zip file itself (or the full download link to it found here) to an online virus and malware checking site (such as -- they will scan the zip with many tools. If your system detects a problem with the extracted exe file, please ensure that your antivirus/antimalware software is up to date and CHECK YOUR SYSTEM FOR THE PRESENCE OF OTHER VIRUSES OR MALWARE -- they may be responsible for corrupting your local copy of UnoArduSIm.exe!
I have left some of the older versions below for interest, and as a back-up in case there is a feature you use that somehow got broken in the newer version.
This is a simulator for Windows (and has been tested on Windows 10). Linux users have reported UnoArduSim.exe runs fine under the proper Windows emulator, and the same should be true for Apple iOS users.