O-250 World Championship 2013

Julkaisupäivämäärä: Jul 20, 2013 10:23:50 AM

What the interesting race! Drama, excitement, problems with nature,...!

Behncke won and took his fourth O-250 World Champion title. It is for him already World 9-th title.

Some analyses:

1. River Po - problematic because of nature. Time to time organizers are in trouble there. This time we lost one day and everything had to be done in one day: practice, timed trial and 4 heats.

2. Three flip-overs (Chiuri, Marsala, Fanzini). Reason is clear, not enough real race practice this year.

3. Second heat has restart, which was stopped after leading boat done 3 laps. Why drivers got 50% points, when 35% from distance was done (3/8=37.5%)? Even Jury decided so.

4. In the official result list only 12 drivers? At timed trials and in the first heat start there was 16 drivers. Now Zilioli, Bodor, Bedy and Coven are missing.

5. From results it impossible to understand, what really happened in race. Who DNS, who DNF, DNR, ACC, restarts. All is missing! From this document it is not possible to understand, what really happened.

6. Second heat start. One of USA drivers definately not kept starting line, but no information about penalty.

7. Video stream was welcome, even there was one camera. Quality is very poor and time to time was impossible to recognize drivers. Only knowing style of driving helped and still it was difficult. Anyway, all flip-overs and Alex taking buoy from the turn were well visible.

8. Why Peter Bodor was in the list as representative of Germany? Last HydroGP he had Hungarian license and by the rules he can't change it so easily.

Great race in overall!

Lembit and René


Fourth heat, restart. Fanzini flipped over.

Restart - Behncke won!

Third heat, only three finished? Fanzini, Max, Alex? Waiting for full information!

Second heat has two stops. In first turn Salvatore Chiuri has flipped over, when René Behncke had fantastic start. One of the US-drivers not kept line and probably gets penalty. In restart Alex Cremona took away one of the buoys and then happened crash with Marsala (collar-bone is broken). Leading René Behncke did 3 laps,

Why they gave 50% of points, when by the rule 311.02.7 it should be FULL POINTS as 35% of distance was achieved? Lead boat made 3 laps and it is 37,5%.

Great achievement from Behncke in first heat - from last start position to second position!

Heat was finished after 7 laps as Alex Zilioli flipped over.

Time trials. René Behncke had quickest time, but had not enough weight in inspection (400 gr too light).

At the same time in protocol is mentioned rule 502.07. You read it! May be it is only disqualification from the heat?

Timed trial is not the heat!

Why Peter Bodor is representing Germany in time trial protocol?

First row from the left: Wayne Turner, René Behncke, Michael Schmidt, Peter Bodor, Luca Galaverna, Alessandro Cremona, Alex Zilioli.

Second row from the left: Chris Hellsten, Lembit Aaslav-Kaasik, Claudio Fanzini, Francesco Marsala, Salvatore Chiuri, Ilkka Rytkönen, ?, Massimiliano Cremona, Massimo Coven, Tünde Bédy-Fittavolini

San Nazzaro in Italy is venue for O-250 UIM World Championship 2013. Water on river Po is not friendly and race is now stopped to wait better conditions.

Wood in the water is very dangerous.

First time in this year Italian drivers are showed up in this class, which is one of the most successful discipline for Italy in power boating.

11 years in the row they ruled this exiting class with great champions: Daniele Roda, Luigi Colombi, Gianluigi Zuddas, Michelangelo Politi and Alessandro Cremona.

Then René Behncke won three World titles and finally Estonian Lembit Aaslav-Kaasik took title 2012.

From live video stream, when it "live", we can see, that Alessandro Cremona is in San Nazzaro.

Also Claudio Fanzini is permitted to start.

David Loukotka from Czech Republic is not racing in San Nazzaro because of injury from Baja.

Now we wait better water conditions.

Next try tomorrow 9:00.