Hydro GP in Ternopil 2016

Julkaisupäivämäärä: Aug 29, 2016 7:27:38 PM

Great event with some surprises! In F-500 Glebas Sobciukas won his first World Championship round ever and he got it with two heat wins. Third heat was won by Erko Aabrams, who stopped first heat from lead position. Marian Jung boat engine crankcase failed in the first heat and one ignition wire broke in the third heat from the leading position after first turn. Attila Havas finished first heat using power only from three cylinders. Giuseppe Rossi first heat was stopped because of battery failure. Robert Hencz changed engine from VRP to GRM and whole weekend was used for learning.

In F-250 two drivers were much better than others, two world champions: Massimo Rossi and Peter Bodor. Third position was taken surprisingly by Rasmus Haugasmägi as it was his first race for F-250 European Championship.

F-125 was won by Henryk Synoracki. He finished first heat even piston was broken.

Time trials






