Storytelling Assignment

Storytelling Assignment: You Retell the Story

Adapted from Modern Languages MLLL-2003. World Literature: Frametales. Laura Gibbs, Ph.D.

Each week your assignment is to tell one of the stories from the week's readings in your own words using a new frame, different from the way that the story was framed in the reading. So, as you are doing the reading, keep track of the stories you like the most so that you will be able to choose the best possible story to use for this assignment.

Coming up with a new frame. In order to come up with a new frame for the story, you will need to decide on who the storyteller is and what the setting is, as well as who the audience is. By choosing a storyteller, setting, and audience you will be giving the story a frame. You can choose whatever storytelling style you want: serious, humorous, etc. etc. Just let your imagination run wild as you think about possible storytellers, possible audiences and settings, possible styles, and so on.

Here are some more detailed Suggestions for Storytelling Techniques, along with examples.

Link and Author's Note. You need to provide a link back to the specific webpage which contains the source for the story you are retelling. You also need to include a brief author's note in which you explain the storytelling style you chose along with any important changes you made to the original story in creating your own version.

Image. You are required to include at least one image with the story, along with a link to the webpagewhere you found the image, plus information about the image.

Title. You need to include the words "Storytelling for Week ___" in the title you give to the post, along with a title for your actual story (for example, "Storytelling for Week 2: You Won't Believe Who's on Oprah This Week!")

Length. Your Storytelling post needs to be a minimum of 300 words long (maximum 1000 words). Make sure you do a spellcheck and a word count, and that you proofread your post by reading it out loud.

When you are done, complete the Gradebook Checklist and publish this at the end of each post by copying and pasting the following information:


  1. _____I have published a blog post with the words "Storytelling for Week ___" in the title, along with a specific title for my story.
  2. _____My post is between 300 words minimum and 1000 words maximum.
  3. _____I have spellchecked and proofread the post.
  4. _____I have included a link to the original story, along with an author's note.
  5. _____I have included an image, along with Image Information.
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