Writing Process

1. Pre-Writing

A. Generating Ideas:

Activities/Invention Strategies:


2. Focused Freewriting (see assignment #1)

3. Clustering

4. Listing (see assignment #2)

5. Journal writing

6. Mind Mapping (see assignment #3)

7. Brainstorming ( see assignments 4-6)

8. Journalistic Questions ( see assignment #7)


Assignment 1. Use this freewriting activity three times to demonstrate how looping works. Create a new Google document with three columns, make it public on the web, and link it onto your Writing Process page.

Assignment 2. Use this listing activity three times to demonstrate how looping works. Create a new Google document with three columns, make it public on the web, and link it onto your Writing Process blog page.

Assignment 3. Using either SpiderScribe or Bubbl, make a mind map and upload the image of it onto your Writing Process blog page.

Assignment 4. Try one or two of these brainstorming activities and place them onto your Writing Process blog page.

Assignment 5. A case against brainstorming. Respond by writing a paragraph on your page about what the author means by this statement.

Assignment 6. A Very Quick Introduction to Anti-Conventional Thinking. Describe ACT by writing a paragraph on your page.

Assignment 7. The 5 W's and H (Use the chart on the left and recreate your own version with the ideas for your essay).

Assignment 7. Do these:

Outline 1 Outline 2

Assignment 8. Using your ideas for the essay, create a formal outline in a Google document called Outline, and link it to your page.

B. Organizing Ideas:

Three Types of Order

  1. Logical Order
  2. Chronological Order
  3. Spatial Order

The order you use depends on what writing mode is required.

Writing an Outline (see assignment #7 and 8)

2. Drafting

Check this website for the structure of an essay

ASSIGNMENT: Begin drafting your essay using this worksheet

  1. Turn your ideas into topics that explain the main idea of your essay.
  2. Then turn the topics into sentences called topic sentences.
  3. These topic sentences become the headings in the body of your essay.

3. Editing

Complete the self editing and peer editing activities before revising the draft of the essay.

Assignment A:

In Writers Inc:

1. Using Writer's Inc., complete the Peer Response Sheet on page 74 (p. 78 hard copy edition) for two essays from your classmates.

2. On your own essay, do the Editing and Proofreading Checklist on page 79 (p. 83 hard copy edition)

3. Score the narrative writing rubric you received in class.

4. When finished, make a packet and submit for credit:

a. 2 copies of your essay

b. 2 peer responses of your essay

c. The scored rubric.

Assignment B:

Your assignment is to complete the

I Heard, I Noticed and I Wondered exercise.

  • Do this for two peer essays by:
    • writing comments on their blog page or
    • by handing the writer a hard copy of your review.
  • It is expected that you write three complete paragraphs for each review.
  • Submit a draft of your revised essay and attach the peer reviews to it for credit.

4. Revising

5. Publishing