

Google Scholar Citations: Pjpkx9wAAAAJ


ResearcherID: Q-6214-2017

ResearchMap: tsubasakohyama

Awards and Fellowships

AS Kamide Lecture, Asia Oceania Geoscience Union 2022 (Abstract) (お茶大ホームページ

Yamamoto Award, Meteorological Society of Japan 2018 (受賞理由)

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PD), offered for the fiscal years 2018-2020

Outstanding Student Presentation Award, Japan Geoscience Union - American Geophysical Union Joint Meeting 2017, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, May 2017

Overseas Research Scholarship (4,500,000 JPY/year), Takenaka Scholarship Foundation 2013-2018

Overseas Research Scholarship (800,000 JPY/year), Iizuka Takeshi Scholarship Foundation 2013-2015

Review Committee Awards, Asian Science Camp 2009

The 125th Anniversary Scholarship, Waseda University 2008

Research articles


Nakamura, A., and T. Kohyama (2022), Reconsidering the oscillation center of the El Niño Southern Oscillation. SOLA, 18, 236-242.

Sekizawa, S., and T. Kohyama (2022), Meteotsunami observed in Japan following the Hunga Tonga eruption in 2022 investigated using a one-dimensional shallow-water model. SOLA, 18, 129-134.


Kohyama, T., H. Miura, and S. Kido (2021), Intensive Variablility Extraction. SOLA, 17, 246−250,  Python source code prepared by S. Kido (thanks!):

Kohyama, T., T. Suematsu, H. Miura, and D. Takasuka (2021), A Wall-like Sharp Downward Branch of the Walker Circulation above the Western Indian Ocean. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 126, e2021JD034650. (open access)

Kohyama, T., Y. Yamagami, H. Miura, S. Kido, H. Tatebe, and M. Watanabe (2021), The Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Current are synchronized. Science, 374(6565), 341-346.

Takasuka, D., T. Kohyama, H. Miura, and T. Suematsu (2021), MJO initiation triggered by amplification of upper-tropospheric dry mixed Rossby-gravity waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL094239. (open access)


Kohyama, T., Hartmann, D. L., & Battisti, D. S. (2018). Weakening of nonlinear ENSO under global warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 8557-8567. JournalWebsite


Kohyama, T. and D. L. Hartmann (2017), Nonlinear ENSO Warming Suppression (NEWS), J. Climate, 30, 4227-4251. JournalWebsite

A recorded presentation at the AMS meeting on this work is available here

Kohyama, T., D. L. Hartmann, and D. S. Battisti (2017), La Niña-like mean-state response to global warming and potential oceanic roles, J. Climate, 30, 4207-4225. JournalWebsite

Wall, C. J., T. Kohyama, and D. L. Hartmann (2017), Low-cloud, boundary layer and sea ice interactions over the Southern Ocean during winter, J. Climate, 30, 4857-4871. JournalWebsite


Kohyama, T., and J. M. Wallace (2016), Rainfall variations induced by the lunar gravitational atmospheric tide and their implications for the relationship between tropical rainfall and humidity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 918–923. doi: 10.1002/2015GL067342 JournalWebsite

Kohyama, T., and D. L. Hartmann (2016), Antarctic sea ice response to weather and climate modes of variability, J. Climate, 29, 721–741. doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-15-0301.1 JournalWebsite

Kohyama, T., and T. Tozuka (2016), Seasonal variability of the relationship between SST and OLR in the Indian Ocean and its implications for initialization in a CGCM with SST nudging, J. Oceanogr., 72, 327-337. doi: 10.1007/s10872-015-0329-x JournalWebsite


Kohyama, T., and J. M. Wallace (2014), Lunar gravitational atmospheric tide, surface to 50 km in a global, gridded data set, Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 8660–8665, doi:10.1002/2014GL060818. JournalWebsite

Other publications


釜江 陽一, 栃本 英伍, 西川 はつみ, 宇野 史睦, 山崎 哲, 川瀬 宏明, 辻野 智紀, 神山 翼, 大竹 潤, 山下 陽介, 道端 拓朗, 川添 祥, 神澤 望, 築地原 匠, 木下 武也 (2018), 第4回気象気候若手研究者交流会開催報告, 天気, 9, 643-648.


神山 翼 (2016), 論文の好みとその地域性について, 天気, 63, 896-898. PDF

Spengler, T., I. A. Renfrew, A. Terpstra, M. Tjernström, J. Screen, I. M. Brooks, A. Carleton, D. Chechin, L. Chen, J. Doyle, I. Esau, P. Hezel, T. Jung, T. Kohyama, C. Lüpkes, K. McCusker, T. Nygård, D. Sergeev, M. Shupe, H. Sodemann, and T. Vihma (2016), High Latitude Dynamics of Atmosphere-Ice-Ocean Interactions, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, 9. JournalWebsite

Master's Thesis and Doctoral Dissertation


Kohyama, T. (2017), Can the response to global warming be La Niña-like?, Doctoral Dissertation (Atmospheric Sciences), University of Washington PDF


Kohyama, T. (2016), Antarctic sea ice response to weather and climate modes of variability, Master's Thesis (Atmospheric Sciences), University of Washington PDF

Movie of my Doctoral Defense



Full CV
