Masonic Paradoxes

Masonic Paradoxes

This work in progress documents Masonic Paradoxes, Lacunae, Contradictions, Inconsistencies, Altered Texts, Practice-Principle Gaps, Ritual-Principle gaps, Human Rights gaps, Re-Interpretations, etc., etc..  Contributions are invited.

What are the top three Masonic Paradoxes, in your opinion?

Some possiblities:

See also:

The Future of Universal Freemasonry in Society -- Paradigm and Paradox

Freemasons have long been advocates of toleration, liberty, equality and compassion. Their cosmopolitan advancement of reason, human rights, and dignity was considered subversive in an age ruled by institutions of dogma and repression. 

Today freemasonry's institutions are often seen as backward, fragmented, pre-occupied with ostentation and control, and possibly aloof from freemasonry's original values. 

What are those values? How do they inform freemasonry today and tomorrow? How will freemasonry be relevant to civil society in the future?