
Information such as course descriptions, dates, times and location can be found here. For information on courses please click on the course you are interested in.

All Traffic Training Team courses are free to sworn law enforcement officers. 

Dress for all training is professional casual or uniform of the day. Professional casual dress does not include short pants, flip flops, sandals, jeans or t-shirts.

Unless otherwise noted, all courses start at 0800 hours and conclude at 1600 hours. 

All of the training, unless noted otherwise, is conducted at the Baltimore County Police Department's Training Section, located at 7200 Sollers Point Road, Dundalk, MD 21222.

The Traffic Training Team has partnered with the Maryland Crash Reconstruction Committee (MCRC) to offer additional crash investigation courses not listed here. To view and register for these courses, please navigate to the MCRC web site.

Instructor and Career Development Courses

Impaired Driving Courses

Crash Investigation Courses

Speed Enforcement Courses

Traffic Enforcement Courses