Lovecrafts, The

Tyler first met The Lovecrafts on June 10, 2010 at New Brookland Tavern in West Columbia, South Carolina, while playing with Brass to the Future as part of a poorly-attended show. The LCs enjoyed BttF's antics, and Tyler and LC guitarist/vocalist Benji McKay began planning a collaborative concert between the two groups. After months of planning and rehearsals, rock 'n' roll history was made on April 1, 2011.

After this collaboration, The Lovecrafts invited Tyler to join as a full member. Tyler agreed, and his original song "Gonna Make Love to Ke$ha (Tonight)" became one of three singles on the group's 2011 release Rock-o-Rama. Tyler now performs regularly with the LCs and has written a number of new tunes with them, including the funky "Micah (Scrawny White Girl)" and the pop-rock chart "Timrod Park."

You can learn more about The Lovecrafts at

Purchase Rock-o-Rama here.

Download the single "Timrod Park" here.