Archiving posters at figshare

Post date: Aug 11, 2014 1:49:27 AM

I started a figshare account where I'll be archiving posters from now on. Currently I've added my poster from the recent ISBE conference in NYC and another from the Animal Behavior Society meeting in 2013:

Wey TW, Change AT, Fogarty S, Sih A. 2014. (Poster) Male personality traits, partner behaviors, and social conditions influence mating exclusivity and effective mating in male stream water striders. International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress (New York, NY).

Wey TW, Burger JR, Ebensperger LA, Hayes LD. 2013. (Poster) Reproductive costs of within-group social variation in female degus (Octodon degus). Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting (Boulder, CO).