Animal Behavior 2015

Post date: May 15, 2015 11:47:31 PM

UPDATE: It was a great conference, and thanks to everyone who came to my talks! I've posted the slides for the one entitled"Linking female habitat use and activity to feeding and mating probabilities under sexual conflict" on Figshare:


Getting ready for the annual Animal Behavior Society meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, June 10-14!

I'll be speaking twice: first about "Linking female habitat use and activity to feeding and mating probabilities under sexual conflict" in water striders on June 12 during the "Sexual selection & conflict 1" session and then about "Social networks and marmot ecology: linking social structure to reproduction and dispersal" on June 14 during the Presidential Symposium. Looking forward to some seeing some great research and checking out some amazing scenery. Email or tweet me to meet up.

Hope to see you there!