04: Golden Dawn Belgium Ale

Golden Dawn Belgium Ale (Batch #1, OG 1062, Brewed 22/09/17)

This was my first attempt at a simple half batch Belgium Ale to see the taste effect of the yeast.

Tasted very Leffe like and was surprised at how much flavour the yeast adds (thought those monks were being clever).

Belgium yeast has a ferocious appetite for sugar and seems to improve with a longer condition.

Based on the Craft beer book recipe p.60.


3.0kg pilsner malt.

600g white sugar (or enough to adjust to OG of 1062).

Irish moss 5g.

Hop Profile:

Nelson 10g, 60m

Nelson 10g, 30m

Nelson 30g, 0m (10m stand)

Nelson 47g, dryhop, 29/09/17

Yeast: Mangrove jacks Belgium Tripel


  1. Kit: stainless boiler, coolbox mashtun and plastic fermenter.
  2. Mash: 1.75gall @75C (stir) then leave for 90m and drain to bucket.
  3. Sparge: 85C and a jug slowly pour over grain (with perforated tin foil) to gather 3.5gall of wort.
  4. Boil: 1hr to hop profile above, Irish moss (15m to end) half the sugar (10m to end) to produce 3.0 gall of wort. Cooled: Cooling coil added at 0m to end of boil and cooled to 20C.
  5. OG: 1045 - adjusted (up) to 1062 with the sugar.
  6. FG: 1000 (~8.0% ABV).
  7. Finings: Used gelatin, 02/10/17.
  8. Bottled: 06/10/17, tasted very good.
  9. Condition: 1 week warm, then two weeks cool prior to drinking.
  10. Priming: A teaspoon per bottle.
  11. Taste: Hits the mark, very tasty and just what i was after.