Old Enough Apr 2007

Old Enough To Remember

April 2007

Welcome to The Plaza Pages Newsletter San Angelo Texas

Dance Your Way to a Healthier Heart

Heaven... I'm in heaven,

And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.

And I seem to find the happiness I seek,

When we're out together dancing cheek to cheek.

-- Irving Berlin

Photo, City of Cerritos

Dance Your Way to a Healthier Heart

Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise improves heart health, helps people live live longer, and helps them enjoy a better quality of life. But what kind of exercise? If you want to improve your heart health--and have fun doing it--you might be interested to know that an Italian study found that people who dance regularly can get more heart health benefits than people who practice other forms of exercise.

Italian study shows dancing improves heart health more than cycling or walking

Way back in 1935, songwriter Irving Berlin advised young lovers to go “dancing cheek to cheek” as a prescription for happiness. Today, medical researchers and a growing number of cardiologists are giving heart patients the same advice as a prescription for better heart health.

Why Dancing Can Improve Heart Health

A study conducted by medical researchers in Italy found that people with heart failure who took up waltzing improved their heart health, their breathing and their quality of life significantly more than those who exercised by bicycling or walking on a treadmill.

The dancers also reported slightly better results for sleep, mood, and their ability to have sex, pursue hobbies and do housework than the group that followed more traditional exercise programs.

Edited By Norman Bliss