Holiday Apr 08, 2007


April 8, 2007

Welcome to, The Plaza Pages, Newsletter, San Angelo Texas

Easter Sun, April 8, 2007

In 2007, Palm Sunday is April 1, Good Friday falls on April 6 and Easter on April 8. The Christian Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Christians believe that Jesus Christ made his final journey before his crucifixion that week leading up to his resurrection on Easter. Here are some facts about the final days of Christ's life on earth, and the traditions that surround the preeminent holiday of the Christian religion.

Why is the Sunday before Easter called Palm Sunday? Palm Sunday, one week before Easter, is the beginning of the Christian religion's Holy Week. By the late 300's, it was part of a trend for Christians in Jerusalem to remember the last events of Jesus' life by holding services at sacred sites in the city. Today, palm branches are still given out on this day symbolizing the palm branches that people placed on Jesus' path as he triumphantly entered the city of Jerusalem.

Maundy Thursday celebrates the Last Supper. Many churches reenact the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday. This day, three days prior to the Resurrection, is the day that Christ washed the feet of his disciples and shared his last meal with them. "Maundy" derives from the word mandate, or commandment. After Jesus washed his disciples' feet, he commanded them to do the same for one another. In John 13:34, Jesus says, "A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another."

What's "good" about Good Friday? Good Friday, celebrated the Friday before Easter is considered a day of mourning by many believers of the Christian faith, but it is also the beginning of the three-day Easter celebration leading to the Resurrection. When he was resurrected, Christians believe, Christ paid for the sins of the world and gave everyone a clean slate. This is the basis of the Christian religion.

Modern-day Easter celebrations have origins that pre-date Christianity. How, you might ask, can a Christian holiday have traditions older than the religion itself? The word Easter derives from the name of an ancient goddess. Ishtar was known as the goddess of love and fertility in Babylonian society, and others called her Astarte. Eventually, the name changed to Ostara, which is "Eastre" in Old English.

Eggs were once to Easter what Chocolate is to Valentine's Day. Eggs symbolize birth and fertility in many cultures, and in medieval Europe, eggs were forbidden during Lent, making them a prized treat for children on Easter. Eggs were painted bright colors to resemble the sun and springtime. Lovers often exchanged eggs, similar to Valentine's Day cards today.

Which came first, the Easter Basket or the Eggs? In ancient Europe, eggs of different colors were taken from the nests of various birds and used to make talismans. The eggs were often ritually eaten. The search through the woods for eggs gradually evolved into the Easter egg hunt, while painted eggs eventually replaced wild birds' eggs.

Easter Parades began as a way to celebrate "new" life. Once they were baptized, early Christians wore white robes throughout Easter week as a symbol of their "new" lives. In Medieval Europe, parishoners would walk together after Easter Mass, led

by a clergyman carrying a crucifix.

Edited By Norman Bliss