
This D&D 5E campaign is set in the Forgotten Realms, in Aglarond. It is the year 1372 Dalereckoning (after the Time of Troubles, before the Spellplague). The game will start with the published module Lost Mine of Phandelver and then move on to some classic D&D and AD&D modules, interspersed with a lot of custom content. I’d like to run the Desert of Desolation series and the Against the Giants series (with or without the following Descent into the Depths series).

This is not an Adventurer's League game.


The Dangers of Ignorance.

The Nature of a Human.


Serious fantasy. I take inspiration from the LOTRO trilogy, the first Conan movie, novels by Robert Jordan, Elizabeth Bowyer.

No anachronisms. No modern references. No characters called Fonzor.

The GM

I started gaming with the Mentzer red book of Dungeons & Dragons in 1983. Since then I've GMed AD&D 1, AD&D 2, Cyberpunk 2020, DragonQuest and GURPS; and played more systems than I want to count. I was a member of AMERICA (the University of Auckland gaming club) where I GMed for a couple of America's Cup cons. I played and GMed in the Seagate Adventurers' Guild (the shared-GM Auckland DragonQuest game). I've attended most of the RoleCon AD&D competitions in New Plymouth and some of the Hooded Frog competitions in Auckland.

I am on Facebook — I'm a member of the D&D NZ and D&D South Island groups.

I can neither confirm nor deny that I can be bribed with wasabi peas, chocolate, or pizza.


We are only using rules from the Players Handbook and the Elemental Evil Players Companion. No Unearthed Arcana rules.

There are, of course, some house rules and rulings, though I've tried to keep these to a minimum. Please read the character creation rules before turning up to the first session.

It is very important that you read the Table Rules.

A duck’s quack doesn't echo. Everybody knows this is true. Everybody is wrong. Does it matter?