

Teaching Western Armenian in the Armenian Diaspora in the 21th century means facing several challenges, from very theoretical ones (L1 vs. L2 vs. heritage language, acquisition vs. learning, language endangerment and literacy) to the practical issues (class organization, assessment, pedagogical innovation, professional development for teachers, Armenian as second language training for teachers, etc.) that follow from them.

Although these issues may be discussed in depth among specialists of language acquisition and teaching, the agents in the field (teachers, school directors, etc.) are still too isolated in their everyday duties to be concerned about seeking out and implementing research-based best practices. This is partly due to the lack of applied research specifically concerning Armenian language acquisition and teaching.


The purpose of this conference is to bring together specialists of language acquisition and teaching, scholars as well as stakeholders of successful models of second language / heritage language teaching, concerning the Armenian language and comparable situations, in order to outline the priorities of an applied research program for the Western Armenian language today.


The conference welcomes papers on theoretical issues of language learning, teaching and acquisition, applied to second language or heritage language, with a broad disciplinary scope (education, linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, anthropology, sociology, history), as well as applied papers on innovative approaches of teaching Armenian or languages of comparable profile (course design, progress standards and assessment, school design and administration, assessment of stakeholders’ interest, targeted intervention, etc.).


Nunc scelerisque vestibulum justo a commodo. Cras lacinia, erat in pellentesque ultrices, nulla lorem convallis justo, a dictum leo nisl et nunc. Etiam at arcu justo. Donec vel odio dui, tristique tincidunt leo. Fusce molestie consequat diam, et bibendum elit auctor quis. Donec quis mi est, in fringilla felis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed vel metus ligula, sit amet pharetra lacus. Morbi non tortor at nunc facilisis semper eu vitae tortor.


Pellentesque volutpat, lectus id semper porttitor, magna lectus cursus felis, ut accumsan ante massa ut diam. Donec tempus, dui sed gravida pretium, elit magna congue dolor, vitae vestibulum nunc neque sed turpis. Donec congue lorem a turpis venenatis dictum. In in eros vitae tellus venenatis ornare. Aenean vel quam ac felis faucibus laoreet pretium ac libero. Nunc sed elit nulla, id pulvinar purus. Suspendisse placerat lobortis metus, a volutpat mi scelerisque at. Cras semper convallis gravida. Aliquam feugiat euismod urna, non tincidunt magna iaculis sit amet. Morbi sed orci magna. Aenean ut hendrerit risus.