Answer Q5

Q: Is it important for all the extension activities be related to the theme of the story? Why or why not?

A: YES! It is important that every activity in this lesson be related to the same theme. This way, the students can see why they are asked to do them. It helps to make the tasks more meaningful to the students. In some traditional lessons, disconnected sentences are used to show students grammar and allow them to practice. For example, it is likely that you have seen (or used!) activities like the following in your classes:

Conjugate the following verbs in Passé Composé:

1. Michel__________________(parler) à son professeur.

2. Pierre et Claire____________________(manger) des croissants.

3. Mes amis et moi, nous_______________________(visiter) Paris.

4. Est-ce que tu______________________(aimer) ce film?

5. Vous____________________(regarder) souvent la télévision.

In this sample activity, the practice has NO meaning to students. There is no reason for completing it, and there is no communicative value in such an activity. Furthermore, it forces students to focus entirely on form over meaning*. Essentially, the students do not need to understand what is being said to complete the activity. They simply need to know how to conjugate the verbs. Instead, the PACE Model uses a different approach. Sticking to the main theme of the story provides a meaningful context* for all of the activities in the lesson and it allows to you create activities that have communication as the main objective.