Doceavo Taller Regional GEO GFOI de Monitoreo de Bosques

Early Warning Systems for Deforestation

(Sao Jose Dos Campos - Brazil - January 19-23, 2015)

The main objective of this GFOI workshop in INPE, Brazil is to showcase the methodologies of existing early warning systems to the Americas SilvaCarbon countries: Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Mexico. Systems such as DETER (Deforestation Detection in Real Time) from INPE will be discussed and analyzed. One half day of this workshop will focus solely on fire early warning systems and their important in detecting degradation. This workshop is essential to illustrate the effectiveness of these systems as an articulated set of procedures through which it collects and processes information about foreseeable threats, and prevent deforestation. Early warning systems are vital to the forest conservation and this showcase will help Latin American countries to learn from these systems and move closer to real-time monitoring.