Decorating the art classroom

We are going to begin the course with this project.

At present, the art classroom of our school is an ugly, disagreeable, dirty, untidy and dark space.

We would like the art classroom to be a warm and friendly place.

During this course, we´ll do a decorating project to transform this space.

Our decorating project will have several phases:

1. Watching the space.

2. Taking photos.

3. Drawing a plan of the classroom.

4. Changing the position of furniture and shelves.

5. Studying the position of the tables.

- Different options.

6. Studying the colors of the walls.

- Warm and cold colors. Harmonies. Sensations. Feelings.

- Materials, textures.

7. Mural painting on the back wall.

- Searching for ideas and images on the internet.

- Drafts.

- Photomontage.

8. Decorative objects.

- Searching for ideas and images on the internet (lamps, curtains, balls, stars...).

Some ideas:

You are going to work in groups of three students.

Every student will have their own portfolio, which will be essential for the assessment.

We have worked the first five points:

1. Watching the space.

2. Taking photos.

3. Drawing a plan of the classroom.

4. Changing the position of furniture and shelves.

5. Studying the position of the tables.

- Different options.

Now we are going to work the point 6:

6. Studying the colors of the walls.

- Warm and cold colors. Harmonies. Sensations. Feelings.

- Materials, textures.

We´ll use a photo editing software: GIMP (free software for linux, windows, mac).

In class, we´ll learn how to use it, to paint with different colors in the walls or to mix images.