


Copos de nieve

Cada equipo elige un modelo de copo.

Recorta, al menos, 3 copos de diferentes tamaños.

Decora con cola y purpurina.

Se valorará en esta actividad:

- Realización de pruebas para copos.

- Dificultad y/o belleza del diseño de copo o plantilla escogida.

- Número de copos y variedad de tamaños obtenidos en el equipo.

- Decoración final de los copos (cola y purpurina).

Actividad bilingüe:

Reading and listening to Michael:

Snowflakes are a form of precipitation like rain or sleet. They are associated with the winter season because it has to be zero degrees celsius for snowflakes to form. What makes snowflakes so beautiful, is that no two are the same. They may look similar, but none are exactly the same. However, all snowflakes have six sides. Snowflakes are always symmetrical. We know a lot about snowflakes because of one man, Wilson A. Bentley. Wilson combined a microscope and a camera to take microphotographs of snowflakes. Most of the photos that we have today were taken by Wilson.

[ Wilson A. Bentley photographing snowflakes ]

Answer the following questions about snowflakes.

    1. What temperature does it need to be for snowflakes to happen?

    2. Are snowflakes ever the same?

    3. How many sides does a snowflake have?

  1. Because of Wilson Bentley we can see pictures of real snowflakes. Draw your own version of a snowflake below.