Future India Scholarship

The scholarship falls under the category of NSKP. It is intended for the economically weaker students of class 9 and 10, in order for them to fulfill their education. A maximum of 30 students will be considered for the scholarship for the year 2022-2023. 

What inspired Us?

This is a true story of a young boy who helped students at the time when he himself was a student and later became a renowned monk of Ramakrishna order. A young boy who himself was the student of K.N. College, took a challenge to help three poor boys who were unable to continue their education for their poor economic condition. In that time, inspired by Swami Vivekananda’s idea of selflessness, he started to go from door to door to take Viksha from people and with that little money he started to take care of those three poor students. Everything was going fine. But one day, he was caught red-handed by a relative and his secret work was disclosed to his family. His philanthropic activity was stopped forcefully as it seemed to tarnish the family's reputation. However, as Swamiji said- "Infinite patience, infinite purity, and infinite perseverance are the secret of success in a good cause". So inspite of all obstacles, the selfless service to living gods resumed with enhanced vigour and vitality and thrived successfully to inspire many others to relish the joy of serving mankind. The young boy is presently known as Revered Swami Prabhananda Mj, the ex-Vice President of Belur Math and Mission, who as recently passed away. His exemplary commitment for universal welfare is a source of motivation for us. 

How to fill the form - Listen Here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - Listen Here

FAQ - Click here for the English Version and Bengali Version

Q1.Who can avail the scholarship?

ANS. School students studying in class IX or X and with a family income less than Rs. 1,00,000 per


Q2. What is the minimum marks required to be secured?

ANS. Will be decided each year by the organization.

Q3. How to apply for the scholarship?

ANS. First I have to collect the documents mentioned in the brochure and then go to the link of the

official website provided and fill in all the required data in the application form.

Q4. How much money will be provided per month?

ANS. Rupees 500/- will be provided per month.

Q5. Will the Scholarship amount be provided annually?

ANS. No, the stipend amount will be provided each month (Rs.500/-) for the

given academic term.

Q6. Is there a need to renew the scholarship? If yes, how can I renew it?

ANS. Yes. Renewal process will start in January or February.

The scholarship holders can continue their scholarships:

i) If the student has not misused the stipend for any other purpose

and has adequately studied according to the recommending Authority.

Provide following documents for renewal of the scholarship:

1. Result Card of Class IX

2. Family Income Certificate

Q7. Will the scholarship be stopped for poor academic performance?

ANS. Yes

Q8. How can I recommend students for the scholarship?

ANS. You fill this google form :



Q9. Is the scholarship provided by the Government?

ANS. No. It is provided in the NGO SVWC(https://sites.google.com/site/svworkcircle).

Q10.How will you monitor the student's activities after the scholarship is awarded?

ANS. The decisions and actions will be taken the organization as deemed necessary.

Q11.What is the range of the age for the application?

ANS. 13 to 17 years.

Q12.How many students will get the scholarship?

ANS. At max 30, might be less( based on the fund received by the organization).

Q13.On which account the money will be credited?

ANS. Refering authority’s account or the guardian’s account.

Q14.What are the documents requirement?


1. Bonafide Certificate from school/ School ID Card.

2. Applicant’s Photograph

3. Applicant’s Signature

4. Income Certificate

5. Aadhar Card (student + guardian)

6. Result Cards of class 8 and 9, respectively

Q15.What is the range of family income for the application?

ANS. Less than Rs. 1,00,000 per annum.

Q16.On which month the scholarship will be announced?

ANS. November - December.

Q17.Will there be an equal division of the scholarship between the classes?

ANS. No, there is no fixed ratio.

Q18. Is there any reservation for the scholarship?

ANS. No, same for all classes.

Q19.What conditions can result in the discontinuation of the scholarship?


 1) Misuse of scholarship.

2) Distrust shown by referring authority.

3) Availing of another scholarship

4) Failure to provide required documents.

5) Applicant leaves the state.

Important Dates

Application starts - 25 Sept, 2022

Application ends - 25 Jan, 2023

Review and Shortlisting - 31 March, 2023

Announcement of shortlisted candidates - Will be announced shortly

Scholarship Starts - Will be announced shortly

For any queries/information/others contact - 9709296031, 8902382518, 8918749591, 7031409750, 9126610296