About Us

This organization has started its journey from October 2013. Those who have come from the darkest corner of the society, those who always have had to struggle, who are the most deprived part of the human civilization - to help them, it is an initiative taken by this organization.

We know that darkness lies beneath the lamp. Those who are the bearer of the human civilization - eventually get nothing but the darkness and ignorance. They are only awarded by sadness and grief. They neither get sufficient food nor education. They don't even get the proper treatment or the compensation for their sweat.

Their contribution to the society by means of their sweat and blood keep enriching the civilization. This is why Swami Vivekananda noticed the survival of the Indian culture through them a long time ago. 

So, just to realize the dream of Swamiji to restore India from this deprived portion of the society, we have taken our oath. Hope your earnest blessings be with us & hopefully we can make our small contribution towards our society.

Aims and Objectives

 1) Swamiji is our inspiration.

2) His dreams are our ideals.

3) To serve the people of the remotest parts of Bengal especially to do “Seva” to those people who is still in the darkness and are deprived from the light of modern civilization.

4) To work for the advancement and development of the poor people.

5) To provide the basic needs which are necessary for life to these people to the best of our capacity.

6) Our goal is to reach those people to whom life is a constant struggle, whose lifestyle are not in the lime light of media, whose life has been stricken by vehement poverty.

7) We do not help people, we serve people.

8) We believe that to help others is beyond our capability, thus we serve people and provide them with their items as a token of gift.

9) We believe that one who is accepting our gifts is of much greater stature than one who is offering them the gifts. Thus doing this “Seva” is a form of worship for us.

What we Do

For the past few years, we have tried to reach places where no government or other support has not yet reached.