Where to start ?

To begin, perform a pre-diagnosis.

Fundamental questions :

1) Is the organization uses a strategic plan ?

2) How the strategic plan is developed ?

3) Is it just a publication ?

Additional questions : is the organization uses :

1) a model of business management ?

2) a classification of processes ?

3) best practices ?

4) performance indicators ?

5) a system of performance evaluation ?

6) a process of strategic magagement ?

Following this pre-diagnosis, it may be necessary to perform a further diagnosis to determine opportunities, risks, strengths and weaknesses of the organization.

After the diagnosis, a plan of action will specify the process to follow. There are two options :

A) The short process : the strategic planning process to develop a strategic plan (context, mission, vision, values, strategic plan).

B) The long process : the strategic management process that defines the architecture, infrastructure, strategy, performance assessment including the following steps :

1) diagnostic analysis (external and internal)

2) planning process (work plan and schedule)

3) strategy development (mission, vision, values, strategies)

4) strategy implementation (objectives, business model, processes, resources, performance tools, management practices, performance indicators, targets, projects, budgets, strategic maps, implementation plans, dashboards, communication plans)

5) performance evaluation (assesments, action plans, monitoring)

Each step takes time, method, leadership and communications.

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