
Before the development of the organization strategy, it is important to establish a proper diagnosis. To get an accurate diagnosis (which corresponds as closely as possible to reality), you have to determine the gap between strategic direction and the current situation, and discover the hidden part of the iceberg.

To be able to assess the current situation and to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and risks, you must understand the strategic direction, the corporate vision, the strategy and the objectives. You must also know the needs and the expectations of stakeholders (customers, owners, directors, employees, suppliers and partners).

Thereafter, you evaluate the current situation and the level of satisfaction of stakeholders against the stragegy, the objectives, the needs and the expectations.

To know the strategic direction and to assess the current situation, you have to use the model of business management, the process classification, the management practices, the performance indicators and the strategy maps.

You have to use methods and tools to analyze processes, resources and, you have to use analysis tools to go in depth into the organization of work and to identify the causes of performance and non performance and the consequences.

Finally, you elaborate a realistic plan of action. This action plan will depend on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, risks, potential changes, gap between current situation and strategic directions. This action plan will probably redefine the strategic direction of the organization.

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