
Adios?! - Uri Sheinfeld

One time I was on the phone with Zayde and he told me to speak French to him. So I said “au revoir” which means goodbye and I hung up on him.

When it Rains it Pours - Uri Sheinfeld

One time Zayde took me to a baseball game. The game kept being delayed because it kept on raining. I asked him to get me peanuts so he gave them to me on the way home. I ate some and then I threw up. He hasn’t taken me to another game since.

Chinese Anyone? - Renee Cohen

Mark had wanted to go to a Mexican restaurant. When we arrived outside, there was a big sign. NO LONGER KOSHER. We decided on Chinese. Stewart was driving, of course. We got on the highway to go up to the Chinese place. When Stewart exited the highway, we found ourselves in a terrible neighborhood, Liberty City. The only thing I remember anyone saying was, "Isn't this where the riots were?". We all drove on mute. Scared silent. A real feat for this group. A few long minutes later we found another entrance to the highway, and had a great dinner where someone took a picture of the four of us.

Swimming with the Dolphins - Renee Cohen

On that same trip to Florida, we all went swimming with the dolphins. A wonderful experience. Just one of the great times we've shared with Stewart and Marsha.

Teach Me - Renee Cohen

One day while driving to a Bears game I was telling Stewie a story about my friend Darryl who likes to go to the boats and gamble...Darryl told me something about craps...Stewie proceeded to explain something to me about craps...I then stated, "I always wanted to try craps..I wish you could teach me how to play".. next thing I knew, Stewie hits my leg hard enough that it really hurt, and yells at me, "Stupid!!!! If I knew how to play, I'd still be able to go to the casino"... I laughed so hard, the hurt went away!!!!

Through the Looking Glass - Marsha Sheinfeld

On a recent visit to the W Hotel, Stewart was quite impressed with the lobby’s public bathroom. In fact he made a point of telling me to check it out after dinner. I of course forgot, but he made a point of reminding me after dinner. I inspected the bathroom, found it very modern & bare, & somewhat unremarkable. Puzzled I took a closer look & discovered a small sign on the mirror that said, “You’re not the only one checking you out.”

“Does that mean what I think it does?” I asked the lady at the next sink.

“Yup”, she answered, “ that blue glass is see through, you can see into the mens’ room, & they can see into here.”

Surprised & a little shocked, I realized that Stewart could not possibly have noticed the see through glass & been as calm about it as he was.

He was waiting for me with an expectant look when I exited the Ladies room. I asked him,”Just what exactly was it about the bathroom that impressed you so much?” “That beautiful blue glass” he promptly answered. Realizing that he had missed the whole point I started laughing. I laughed so hard I couldn’t stand up.

When I finally calmed down enough to tell him what was really going on, he insisted we re-enter the bathrooms & check out the glass. The pictures show us waving at each other.

Pajama Wake Up Call - Kinneret Sheinfeld

One time we went to Bubbe and Zayde’s house after lunch on Shabbat. It was probably around 4:00pm. Bubbe sent me and Uri up to wake up Zayde to tell him that we were there. And Zayde was already awake, and sitting there in his underwear! (Uri interjects: Zayde is always in his underwear when we go to wake him up!)

Triple Play vs. Ice Cream - Ely Sheinfeld

Zayde tried to take our kids to ballgames several times and almost everyone of them ended up being a rainout. However, the one time we went to a game and it wasn’t raining, in the first inning, shortly after sitting in our seats, the opposing team got a triple-play. Zayde and I looked at each other thinking, “WOW!”. The kids looked at each other and said “Can we get ice cream?”

Poncho - Yaakov Sheinfeld

The White Sox were in the World Series and I was flying in. Abba had someone pick me up from the airport and rush me to the gas station - there was an emergency...the Bears game was starting shortly and we had to get moving to hit Soldier Field before new Comiskey. As is

typical for Bears weather it was cold and rainy and I was unprepared having just come from the airport. With a big smile Abba said not to worry and handed me a poncho - a Cubs poncho. Now I like the Cubs, but heading to the south side of Chicago wearing a Cubs poncho on the day

the White Sox are in the World Series was not that appealing. Nevertheless, you do what you gotta do to stay warm and dry. As we walked to our seats in Soldier Field someone in front of us started to harass us (ok, me) because of the poncho. Abba quickly pulled out the World Series tickets he was wearing around his neck and said, "Talk to the tickets!" and I went undisturbed the rest of the game (though walking into Comiskey was another story)....

What a Gas! - Yaakov Sheinfeld

It seems to be my heritage to write about or point out to my father when he runs out of gas, which he did on a recent drive to Teaneck from Chicago. However, in this story the postscript is better than the actual story. You see, on shabbos after re-telling the story and Abba downplaying how far he had to walk to get to the gas station Yudy chimes in and says, "Didn't you have your bicycle in the back of the van?!" Yes folks, the only thing worse than running out of gas is later realizing that you did not have walk or waste that much time to get moving again. Abba - Here's to the next time you run out gas! Perhaps next time before leaving, instead of taking an extra can of Diet Coke from the station, consider taking an extra can of gas.

Mom wanted to share the same story with illustrations....

Wedding Games - Levy Sheinfeld

While I was in the Mir, mom coincided her visit to me to be while the Kleiman's made Yossi's wedding. It was, as usual a very nice trip, and I was planning on going to the wedding during my dinner break and then eventually head back to the yeshiva for night seder. We were going to Neve Tzuf for shabbos sheva brachos on Friday so I brought my stuff to the wedding and before going in had Uncle Yogi come out and open the car for me to drop it off. Since I was on somewhat of a tight schedule and wanted to make sure I got the appropriate mazal tov's in before chuppa and pictures I rushed right in to do that. Meanwhile Uncle Yogi keeps getting me to try to go see someone else. I tell him one minute and as I am walking up to Nachman, he flips my hat off my head. I realized he was being funny so i just kept going up to Nachman. When I finally did turn around to pick up my hat, I realized it was Abba, surprising everyone by coming in that day for the wedding and staying through shabbos! Night seder was canceled and I stayed for the wedding. It was quite an experience itself, and the hall was nice enough I decided to get married there myself, too. Everyone including mom had been surprised, Abba left Yaakov home with Shoshana.

Cuttin' Class - Levy Sheinfeld

Senior year a few guys decided that there wasn't any English class on a certain day, and chose to go to the Cubs game that afternoon. I called Abba to see if he had any tix. He said no, but if I go buy he'll be able to give us a ride there and back from the station. After all, he was impressed with us in that he said he didn't remember going back to class at all after pesach senior year, so we were doing better than him.

Cubs Win! - Avigayil Sheinfeld

It was Chol Hamoed Pesach a few years back and the Cubs were playing a night game on the road. It was a tight game and I think even the Cubs were losing going into the 9th. Yoni was sleeping upstairs in Levy's room (with the door closed). Abba, as usual was, although the game was on the TV in the den, doing something on the computer, and we didn't realize he was paying attention at all. Suddenly, Soriano cranks a homerun to give the Cubs the lead, and as he hit it Abba lets out an extremely loud scream (not heard since Paxson's 3 to win the game in Phoenix) waking up Yoni in the process. Poor Yoni had no clue what happened. (The Cubs held on to win).

Electronically Challenged- Marsha Sheinfeld

We were one of the last people to get a dvd player because we knew how difficult it would be to learn how to operate it. Hearing that we were so deprived, Grandpa surprised us by bringing home a dvd player while Yudy was visiting, so Yudy could hook it up for us. Finally the night came when we decided to watch a movie on it. Stewart managed to turn it on…. Then he began pushing buttons. When he didn’t get instant results he kept pushing buttons, until finally the whole thing just froze up.

What to do?

He called Ely & said Help!! The same way his parents call him & say Help!! When Ely stopped laughing, he came over, pulled the plug, plugged it back in, & patiently showed Stewart what buttons to push.

Cruisin - Marc Sommer

Stewart, Marsha, Miriam and I went on a cruise to Alaska, we had a great time. As in all relationships some times they go hot and cold as depicted in this picture. While I went swimming under the warm Alaska sun your father was freezing in the cool Pacific Ocean breezes. However our relationship has always been warm.

One of Stewart's great quotes on the cruise was "When the rabbi goes on vacation in Tennessee, he does not go to minyan; When we go on vacation, we go to minyan three times a day!"

Light On/Light Off - Sari Sheinfeld

In March of 2007 Stewart's niece in Israel, Ilana, got married. Being that she is also our cousin, and that I had recently given birth and Yaakov had unused paternity leave, we decided to go to Israel to share in the simcha. Coincidentally, we booked tickets on the same El Al flight out of JFK as Stewart and Marsha. At the time Eytan had just turned two. As some would call it terrible two, Eytan was more of and explorer than a terrorist. Shortly after take-off, Stewart emerged from behind the "magic" business class curtain to visit. In an attempt to accelerate Eytan's explorations, he showed Eytan a cool new trick "hey Eytan, check this out- light on, light off! Light on, light off!". You didn't need to be on the midnight flight out of JFK that night to know how the lovely El Al flight attendants liked the two year old in row 42 continuously turning the call button on and off. As soon as he taught Eytan that great new game, he proceeded to turn around and bolt back to business class to bed down for the night.