The Walking Dwarves

by Brian D. Taylor

directed by Kris Holsen

Performances: July 11 & 12, 2019 at 7 pm

art by Cece Kustritz

See you at the show! Cast is called at 5 p.m.


Cast List

Queen - Morgan Mammenga

Magic Mirror - Maddie King

Snow White - Amanda Beaumont

Huntsman - Evan Sanford

Cinderella - Alyse Boudreau

Prince Brawny - Jamison Hammond*

Spot - Natalie Krueger

Prunella - Maddy Beaumont

Marcella - Lilly Rosengren

Drucella - Mikayla Sparks

Fairy Godmother - Julia Koudelka*

Birds, Cows and Sheep - Rachel Reynolds, Natalie Reynolds, and *

Old MacDonald - Grace Kliniski

Hansel - Ian Boudreau

Gretel - Molly Jansen

Candy Witch - Izzy Givens

Red Riding Hood - Hope Wells

Granny - Alia Benedict

Big Bad Wolf - Ariana Chiconis

Bacon - Annalies Krueger

Chops - Libby Thome

Ham - Joe Jansen

Fancy - Justine Woods

Spunky - Katie Raasch

Kooky - Joelle Guilfoile

Surly -Abby Powers

Pam - Anya Benedict

Clumsy - Tori Koudelka

Scruffy - Ava Wells

We are looking forward to a great summer theater experience!

There is a $65 fee to participate in the Summer Junior Players Production, payable after casting.

Registration Form


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Want to help create the set/props/costumes/lights?

Or help on running crew?

Please click here for the crew application!

Walking dwarves... as in the walking dead? That’s right! What could be more fun than a zombie fractured fairy tale?! Thanks to some prompting from a conniving Magic Mirror, the vain queen poisons apples with a “special ingredient” (that just happens to be plutonium), leading to a kingdom-wide plague of zombie dwarves! Mayhem ensues!

Kris Holsen has been directing plays for 25 years. She currently teaches elementary drama in Brooklyn Park at Birch Grove Elementary School for the Arts. You can email her at