Tingwall sportive 2008

Tingwall Sportive for Clan House 2008

Following the success of the South Yell Sportive in July, the Tingwall Sportive held on Sunday had a lot to live up to. Although the weather was not as nice as Yell, the breezy South East wind and murky conditions did not deter the cyclists. A total of 56 cyclists took part in the event with 26 on the longer route and 30 riders doing the shorter route. After a quick safety briefing and words of encouragement the groups were set on their way by Betty Fullerton, Chairman of the NHS and local Councillor.

The shorter of the two routes was 12.6 miles and started from the Tingwall Hall, passing through Laxfirth and Stromfirth before heading back up the dreaded Wormadale hill and down the other side, back to the Hall. The longer route of 36.5 miles left from Tingwall Hall, through Laxfirth, up to Voe and then back through Gonfirth, Aith, Bixter, up Wormadale and back to Tingwall. The longer route in particular has some difficult climbs and can be quite technical in parts but thankfully everybody made it back home safely without too many complaints although there was some mention of saddle sores and aching legs. The main issue was hunger pangs which was soon remedied with some well earned soup, sandwiches and homebakes.

There was a wide range of abilities taking part in the cycle from very experienced riders to some self-titled OAPs – “Old Age Pedallers”. A spokesperson for the club said “I’m very impressed with all the cyclists. For some the route they chose was a real challenge and they all made it back to the finish in good spirits”. Although this was not a road race there were some impressive times posted, with Marvin Inkster first home from the big route in 2hrs 2mins. Neil Williamson put in an impressive ride to be first home from the shorter route in a time of 57mins, proving that Cadburys Chocolate bars are indeed a very good source of energy - this has been noted by the Shetland Wheelers. First lady home was Joyce Adamson who completed the short route in 1 hour 5 minutes.There were also a wide variety of bikes at the race, including a recumbent bike completing the short route and a tandem completing the long route. All the riders said they had enjoyed their cycle although the last part of both routes had been tough with the south easterly wind spoiling the long descent from Wormadale into Tingwall.

One of the main aims of the Tingwall Sportive was to get people out on their bike and enjoying themselves. Many were on their bike for the first time in years with one lady stating “I haven’t been on my bike in over 5 years but I really enjoyed today and I am going to keep this up.” Another lady stating she may try to cycle to work on a fine day.

The second important aim was to raise money for CLAN to help raise funds for a new cancer support centre in Aberdeen. Each entrant paid a fixed entry fee but in addition some riders got sponsored to cycle. There was also face painting and cycling activities for the bairns available at the hall. Although there is some sponsor money still to come in it is thought that there will be more than £2,200 raised in sponsorship and the total raised will be in the region of £3,200.

This event would not have been possible without professional support from two groups, Shetland Radio Club, who provided communication throughout the event, and Shetland Motorcycle Club, who provided the travelling marshals. A huge thanks must also go to all the marshals and first aiders, Robinson and Morrisons shop for providing free bottled water and milk, Jeanette and the kitchen ladies, all those who baked, Elsbeth Clark, Bob Kerr, Betty Fullerton, Jim Christie, Jim Anderson, “Healthy Working Lives”, Active Schools, Laura Hutcheson and of course all the entrants of what was a very successful and enjoyable event.

More images can be viewed in the Gallery

Route 1 Times

Route 2 Times