Club Rides

Shetland Wheelers Club Time Trials

2017 timetrials will be similar to in 2016, with events on Tuesday evenings and Sunday mornings and each event time contributing to the standings in a season long series.


Sunday mornings (9:30 start) are generally for a choice of a 10 or 25 mile TT.

Sunday TTs will run from 2nd April to 28th October 2017.

10 mile TT course map

25 mile TT course map

Tuesday evenings (6:30 start) are generally for a "hilly" 12 mile TT on the Laxfirth loop.

Laxfirth Loop TT map

There is some flexibility to do a 10 or 25 on Tuesday night, or a Laxfirth loop on Sunday morning if needed, but it is preferred to have folk doing the same thing on the same day as far as we can.

There is more information on TTs in general and the Tingwall one particularly on the "Shetland TTs" page in Hints and Tips.

Individual Events

Annual 10 mile Handicap TT - Sunday 5th May

For this week's Sunday TT results are also worked out on a handicap system, based on your best 2016 time.

Annual Hillclimb event - Thursday 1sth June

A timed hillclimb up the west side of the Wormadale hill.

Simmer Dim Sportive - June date TBC

A fun ride based on participation, with 15, 30 and 50 mile distance options.

Shetland Wheelers Training Rides

Various club rides, training loops and training APRs will be held April to September, starting from the Tingwall Hall. Times, dates and formats are usually arranged on the Wheelers Facebook page to suit riders schedules and the weather. Anybody is welcome to suggest any rides too, and gather up a group that way.

For 2017 we hope to have a more regular schedule of Thursday evening APRs and Sunday morning social rides starting from April and with more details on the club's Facebook group.