Links - NH Maker Faire - I have exhibited in both the 2013, 2014 and 2015 NH maker faires.  I'm in a few of the pictures here - look for orange. - The NH Maker Faire Twitter Feed - That's my sister Lauren in the picture at the top of the page running our 3D printer in 2013. - I helped my dad invent the Air Rocket Glider (ARG).  I also help package and ship the kits.  I helped test the new paper rockets design, and have fun at the Maker Faires we visit.  5X NH Faire, 4X NY Faire, Washington DC Faire, Bay Area Faire & York Maine Faire. - Here is a video of us at the NY Maker Faire - I demonstrate how to launch the ARG plane from the compressed air launcher. - Here is a link to the NH Children's Museum - This is where they have the NH Maker Faire every year.