2018 Trip to KSC

On a family trip to Florida, I got the chance to meet Bob Cabana, who is the director of the ENTIRE Kennedy Space Center complex.  He also flew on four space shuttle missions from 1990 to 1998, and he was the commander of two of them. Bob has been the director of the entire Kennedy Space Center complex for the last 10 years.  We had a great conversation about our favorite roller coasters at Universal Studios, and we all agreed that it was the Hulk ride.  Bob thanked us for building the compressed air rocket launching system for NASA, through our family side business www.AirRocketWorks.com   It was fun to explain to him that it all started when I was in kindergarten and wanted to launch rockets higher than a regular stomp rocket, and things got out of hand!  More information about our family trip to Kennedy Space Center here: https://sites.google.com/view/air-rocket-works-llc/news#h.p_MjypAJtlaDYc

We even got a chance to go on the astronaut walk from the quarantine quarters out the iconic doors, just before the astronauts get on the van to the launch pad.