2015 Project:

Electric Gyroscope

The Lemniscate Electric Scooter is too big a project to get done in the next week...  

So, we have been working on an electric gyroscope instead.

It looked like this on Saturday morning:

The motor is from an old toy.  The bottom has a 9 volt battery.  There is a switch on the back.  The frame is aluminum and the white parts are plastic.  The wheel is brass and is heavy.

I helped my dad machine the parts.  It takes a long time.  Here I am cutting the flywheel on the lathe:

We used the bridgeport machine to make the other parts.  Two more parts to make - the part to go around the wheel and a part to hold the ball bearing.

It is almost done.  there are two more parts to make - then I need to solder the wires.

I did test the motor and flywheel tonight - it takes over 30 seconds to get up to full speed.