2016-07-16 general

2016-07-16 General Membership Meeting


Bryan Bishe

Buzz Hurst

Charles Astudillo

Chris Getsla

David Burgess

David Hollander

Heidi Runyan

Juan Ignacio Calderon

Katherine Gillcrist

Ko Matsuo

Michelle Breier

Neil Davis

Sarah Gonzales

Stuart Lee

Susan Hurst

Torrey Burgess

Victor Bianchini

Victoria Mendoza

Approve minutes from last year. All in favor.

Chair report

No glitches and things have been running efficiently. More communication overall. There have been classification issues with the new USFA system.

Vice chair

Thanks in general.


Leftover medals. What to do with them? Some clubs expressed interest in taking them. There are 22 gold, 29 silver and 13 bronze of semi-random origin. Nothing was officially decided.

Social media presence has been doing well with many people contributing to the division Facebook page.

Computer updates. The computers have been upgraded, new mice and upgraded Fencing Time. We are currently in excellent shape.

Check out membership from year to year. We're interested in tracking membership trends.

The website has been managed by Chuck for this last season. Buzz suggests we need more regular updates. Victor suggested talking to Sergey for website. MIchelle and Chris have volunteered to contribute.

Treasurer report

We have more money in the bank than the beginning of the season by $502.80. We received about $2,000 from the last two years of memberships from the USFA. Without that, we'd be negative for the season. Referee costs from out of town is the large portion. Entries have been down as well.

Armorer report

The division has nine complete strips and an extra set of reels and four extra floor cords. UCSD has allowed us to borrow extra strips in the past. A proposition over the next two years is to purchase two extra strips. They're about $1700 each. Otherwise we need at least a couple of new scoring boxes.

All the boxes have been upgraded or in process of being upgraded to the new timing standards.

Tournament setup and tear down... Extra help is needed to set up tournaments. Without extra help, this will be David's last season. Juan suggests we have clubs take responsibility over volunteers and BC for each event. That generally equates to two tournaments per club.

Lost and found. One complete foil is being held.

Control. There has been word that some vendors have been handling control and it's a conflict of interest. It may be above board, but it can look poor. There is a suggestion to have a different club handle control.

Division Business

Tournament review and discussion. Mexican fencers have had difficulty entering events. They take longer due to how the Mexican Federation operates with the USFA. Juan suggests we formalize our relationship with them before they travel to our events. Victor suggests we post the information to Askfred in Spanish as well.

Turning in reports with the new forms has been slow getting used to the new system. Any issues with the paperwork gets kicked back and classifications are held up.

Referee report. There is general feeling that some of our local refs need more experience and to build our cadre of available refs.

Organization of events. Suggestion of yellow cards of any hitting on the floor. Cathedral Catholic has a new floor and abuse won't be tolerated.

Cup events. A meeting is needed to schedule cups events early in the season.

Raising entry fees. Torrey suggests we table the motion for the new season officers. Juan feels we need more data.

New business. Nothing.


Chair. Susan noms Torrey. Torrey declines. Stu noms Juan. Victor seconds. All in favor.

Vice chair. Victor noms Ko. Stu seconds. All in favor.

Secretary & Treasurer. David B noms Chris and David H. Torrey seconds. All in favor.

Executive Committee

Encinitas Fencing Academy - David Polakoski

Golden Sabre Academy - Victor Bianchini

Lionheart Academy - Stuart Lee

No Fear Fencing - Charles Alexander (2016-07-22 changed to Pat Bailey)

San Diego Fencing Center - Michelle Breier

Spartak - Josh Runyan

Team Touch Fencing Center - Bryan Bishe

The Cabrillo Academy of The Sword - Susan Hurst

UCSD - Heidi Runyan

Victor moves to adjourn. Torrey seconds. All in favor.