2014-08-10 scheduling

Members in attendance:

Chris Getsla

Torrey Burgess

David Hollander

Bryan Bishe

Creston Bailey

David Willey

Preliminary schedule:

2014-09-21 3W + D & under foil, BC=David H

2014-10-26 3W + Women's foil, BC=David W

2014-12-14 Junior Olympics Qualifier, BC=Creston B

2015-01-25 3W + Women's epee, BC=Bryan B

2015-02-22 3W + D & under saber, BC=Barron N

2015-03-15 Div II/III & Y14 Qualifier, BC=Chris G

2015-04-12 3W & Women's saber, BC=Heidi R

2015-05-17 3W & D & under epee, BC=Josh R

2015-06-14 3W, BC=David P

Permanent BC: Charles A

Regular attendees will be Torrey B & Chris G.

Only two referees will be hired for each tournament unless the USFA requires otherwise.