

Strength Enhancing!

Coaching/Consultations: Coaching helps people enhance strengths.  Parent coaching is a type of consultation in which parent(s) will meet with the coach to explain what strengths they seek to enhance at a more efficient pace than without the aid of this specialist.  The coach will then help the parents to find a way to meet their strength- enhancing goal.  Child coaching involves the child meeting with the coach to talk about what strengths they are trying to enhance.  The coach helps them to reach these goals, as well. 


Counseling: Counseling with a special care and understanding of intelligent people will allow the counselor to be most helpful with finding and helping any weaknesses.  Examples gifted children can suffer from are positive or negative achievement pressure, social anxiety, or too great an intellectual understanding of the media they encounter for their emotional development (if you have ever intellectually understood something, but your emotions were not caught up with your intellect, you have a taste of what it is like to be a gifted child in this predicament).  If your child is experiencing any of the above, please feel free to call us.  We can set up a simple, standard, or extended evaluation, and then may provide useful suggestions.


Family Therapy: Children do not exist in a vacuum.  Gifted children often have extra needs that their average peer does not.  Parenting exceptional children can be extra easy in many ways, but also extra difficult in other ways.  Family therapy allows the family to come together with an expert who has approximately a decade of training (at our center, at least) and years of experience to make pretty much any goal achievable, such as to tease out where communication is ineffective and then to make it effective, or to improve the household structure in order to make the whole family yet more healthful. 

Tracy Colsen Schaperow, Psy.D. and Sam Schaperow, M.S.M.F.T., LMFT:

Sam works more with parents, families, and young children, while Tracy works more with ages eleven and up (younger at times) and focuses more on the one-on-one work with children.


SCHAPEROW Psychology Center of  CT