Licensed Positions (licensed upon contract start)

(Tracy [& K.], remember not give this url away; it is confidential information that explains how we work our practice's pricing, options, etc.  This is not a contract and is updated with or without notice.)

A. Percent with Full-Service Billing Included (% paid as you earn, but tenant may opt to pay based on what will be received):

B. Percent with Basic Billing Included (tenant must pay based on what will be received) (services are similar to "A.", but more limited billing support): 

C. Percent with no Billing Included (tenant must pay based on what will be received) (services are similar to "B.", but without billing support):

***Note:  Seniority bonus: After Tenant has been with us for five years Tenant may begin to accrue a bonus of 5% of any amounts paid for months following this five-year anniversary.  

D. Hourly-Rate: A dollar figure is agreed to that you keep for each client you see and collect the fee due.  This option also allows for a loan for up to the 1st three months of the first and possibly of each subsequent year.  These are the basic rates.  Raises are available to those who bring in more money through taking on full-fee clients, out-of-network clients, etc.  The maximum amount one can earn through these raises is 3.5X the below figures:

E. Fully Furnished Flat-Rate Per Day Per Week Per Month: Your contract will state how many days you are signed up for.  You can upgrade, but can't downgrade (therefore if your business slows down and you go from 4 to 2 days per week, you will remain paying at the rate for 4 days per week, unlike the % option, which always fluctuates based on your office usage):

If an office is $165/day/month, an example would be if someone wanted to claim Mon. and Fri., they'd pay $330/month. 


Credit Cards:

Credit card terminal is available.  Fees for flat-rate tenants are $5/month, and 5.9% + $.60 per transaction.  For variable rate tenants & post-grads it is reduced to 5.9% plus a $.40 transaction fee.  Any other fees, if applicable are covered by the practice, thus beyond what's shown here there is no charge for access to the terminal, no account maintenance fees, etc.  Terminal is currently in the bathroom due to infrequent use and limited space, however we will move it to an easier location when it is used regularly.

Payment: Tenants will receive payment as a credit to their rent. So, when you give your rent check, just subtract the amount you charged from that month's rent, less the fees.  For example, a flat-rate tenant who charged $1000 in a month in two transactions of $500 each would do the following (let's say they pay $1000 for their rent):

$500 - 5.9% (-$29.50) -.60 = $469.90


$500 - 5.9% (-$29.50) -.60 = $469.90


$5 (flat-rate tenant terminal contribution)


$1000 (base rent) - $939.80 (credit card $ obtained minus fees) = $60.20 (rent check for that month)

Terminal use (steps 1-5 may take a few minutes; we recommend including it w/your session time, as taking the credit card is a courtesy to those who don't have other ways to pay, and also include step 6 if it is the end of the day):

By having two columns in our fee-schedule, your credit card fees are very minimal. The regular price and the cash/check paid on the date of service discounted price (if dealing with in-network clients, please see Sam about how that would work).  Whenever someone uses a credit card, even on a reduced fee scale, they should pay $5 (more or less depending on service) more for credit card or cash/check paid after the date of service, even if on a sliding-fee-scale (technically a conditional waiver in our practice).  Please remind your clients of this policy as also applicable to discounted rates.  When taking a credit card, even once, please have them fill out the attached credit card form.  The main purpose of it is actually as a protection for you to be able to bill their card if they end up owing you $ and not paying after all reasonable attempts have been made (of course, in that process you'd not remind them that you have their card on file w/their permission).  Card info. would have to be kept secure, as you do with your clinical notes. 

Qs&As (how to reply to people with any of these concerns, should they have come up already or will come up):

Practice Philosophies:

Practice Philosophy (% & Hourly Rate):

1. We seek to have a partnership in which each tenant or independent contractor benefits from our brand name while establishing/maintaining their own.  We seek to be there to help with referrals under times of need or provide other supports (supervision, practice building/enhancement, etc. as needed).  This functions as a safety net in that way.  The other aspect of the safety net is that people know if business slows down for a time, they are not then paying out a flat-rate rent.  Hence, we do not have arrangements that are anything less than one year, assuring that people also will not swithc out of this plan when doing well, while they'll know we'll not ask them to switch when they are not doing well.  The %/$ amount is intended to be highly competitive to retain people for the long-term, but not be so low as to disallow people the security we offer should tough times arise.  We also do not have a high percent, such as the Groton practice at 40%, or the Norwich practice at 50% because we feel such %s decrease retention and those that are retained are statistically not always the best clinicians.  We focus on quality over quantity here. 

2. Practice Philosophy (flat rate rental options):

We seek to be in the middle or upper part of the middle third in pricing, with occasions in which we will go higher.  Offering middle to lower pricing has thus far not attracted the kinds of therapists we have sought to have.  But, we feel that even our highest pricing is of worthy value when looking at our atmosphere, who works here and those interactions, options for clinical consultations amongst highly proficient therapists, a location so close to the highway that it can literally be seen from the window, 5 minutes from 395, in a very well-known building with the most therapists in this part of the state, by and large the best renovated best kept offices in the building (explain further if someone asks for details), the value of being on our web site, etc. 

(do not give this link [url] away)