
Google can help you find what we've published on the internet, and also to learn where other sites have referenced us.  One example is below, which was submitted to a website and may ultimately get published on that page:

As a reply to the autism miracle cure story and on vaccinations (

"[Regardless of reason], it is wonderful to know someone has made such major improvements w/their autism.  I can think of a case of someone I know w/autism severe enough that tasks like reading were likely agreed amongst many to be impossibilities.  Yet, with the right supports that person eventually later in life was able to learn to read.  Another such story is in how when I was at a psychiatric hospital working with an adolescent male with severe autism and even my supervisor, an excellent psychotherapist, said my intervention would not produce any effect with him, yet it worked and major improvements were made. 

There are countless stories in which people have made improvements from many methods, and even without any clear method (one day improvements are noticed).  But, one of the clearest of all methods for working with any illness/issue to be shown as "same as sugar pill" (placebo) is homeopathy. 

I wrote to Autism Speaks:

"You stated in that page:

"Since then, Autism Speaks has grown into the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism;"

My concern is you have listed a number of practices in your Search our Online Resource Guide! that list doing homeopathy and potentially other repeatedly proven no different than placebo in evidence-based scientific studies.  This appears to go directly against the quote I put above.  If you don't believe me, look into the research and peer reviews of homeopathy as a treatment for anything.  Truly, it is no better than sugar pill, and at times it dilutes a substance so much into a solution as to render the solution lacking even a molecule of the original substance.  They then take the solution (e.g., water with or w/o what was diluted into it) and then make a sugar solid with it.  So it is not only figuratively a sugar pill, but literally.

Do you truly want to, and can you, given the quote I showed above, include listings of professionals that use homeopathy as autism 'treatments' in your directories?"

As to the vaccinations, this myth has been w/in any reasonable reason, debunked.  And it is also conclusive that the trend to not vaccinate has caused unnecessary illness in children, and also death.  This has been well publicized, unlike more scientific research into homeopathy, so for this I'd say anyone can easily find the answers via Google. 

Sam Schaperow, M.S."