Errors and solutions

Can't start Sc2gears or you think it misbehaves? You're in the right place.

Before you start tracing errors, be sure that you're using the newest version of Sc2gears. Also be sure to run the Diagnostic tool as it might answer what is wrong (Tools menu => Diagnostic tool).

Also errors can be caused by Plugins you added to Sc2gears. Disable all plugins and check if you still experience the error. To disable plugins, open the Plugin manager (under the Tools menu), and click on the "Disable all plugins" button.

You can always check the Help->System messages menu to get detailed error messages.

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I can't extract the downloaded archive: "CRC error" or "The file is corrupt" or "Invalid archive"...

It's most likely the problem is not in your OS or in the program that you used to extract it. Most likely a download or network error. Download it again and give it another try.

Sc2gears doesn't start and I can't see any error messages

If you have Java and Sc2gears doesn't start (no window appears), check the "User content/Logs/system_messages.log" file. It's a simple text file, you can open it with any text editors.

Sc2gears notifies me of updates, but when I click on the "Update" button, nothing happens

Download the latest version manually, and optionally you can copy the "User content" folder from your old version in order keep all your settings, logs and lists.

Settings are not saved

Check if you have settings save enabled. Settings -> Save settings on exit.

If it is enabled, another problem can be that the user you logged in to the OS does not have write privilege to the folder of Sc2gears. It is advised not to put Sc2gears in special folders like "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Windows".

Replay auto-save doesn't work

Sc2gears has to run while you play in order for replay auto-save to work. Next check if you have enabled it: Settings menu -> Enable replay auto-save

If you have replay auto-save enabled, then the most common error is that folders are not set properly. Replay auto-save uses 2 folders: a source folder and a target folder. You can view and change the source and target folders on the Folders tab in the Miscellaneous settings dialog.

The source folder is called "SC2 auto-replay" folder, and it is the folder where SC2 auto-saves your last replays. It is under Account folder in your Documents and settings folder. It is sufficient to set your account folder (this is set by default), and then Sc2gears will save all replays no matter which account you use. If you only want to save your multi-player replays, then set the "Unsaved" folder inside the "Multiplayer" folder.

The target folder is called "Replay auto-save" folder, and it is the folder where you want Sc2gears to save your replays.

Global hotkeys don't work

Global hotkeys are only supported on Windows at the moment. Check if you have enabled it: Settings menu -> Enable gobal hotkeys

I can't save replay sources and replay lists

The cause is probably that you do not have write privilege to the folder where you want to save them to.

I saved replay sources and lists, but they don't appear in the navigation bar

Saved replay sources and replay lists only appear in the navigation bar, if they are saved under the "User content/Replay lists" and "User content/Replay sources" folder inside of Sc2gears.

So simply save the replay sources and replay lists in the default folder that pops up, and they will automatically appear in the navigation bar.

I get the following error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class file

Sc2gears requires Java 7.0 (or newer). The error means you have a Java with an older version which cannot handle the files of Sc2gears. Download the newest Java, and Sc2gears will start without this error.

You can display the version of your java by executing the following command in a terminal/console:

java -version

On MAC OS-X if you have multiple Java versions installed, you have to prioritize the Java 7.0 (or the newest one). Go to Applications>Utilities>Java Preferences and drag Java 7 to the top of that list. Another tip is to install JDK 7.0 instead of JRE 7.0, because JDK 7.0 will automatically set Java 7.0 as the default one.

I get the "Windows cannot find 'javaw'..." message

This error should only happen if you start Sc2gears with "Sc2gears-win.cmd". Start Sc2gears with "Sc2gears.exe". It automatically detects installed JVMs.

If for some reason you want/have to use "Sc2gears-win.cmd", these can be the reasons of this error. Try the followings:

First make sure you have Java 7.0 or newer installed. Open a console/terminal, and type the following command: "java -version". If you have java, check if the javaw command is also available. If not, you have to add your java bin folder to your PATH environment. The default installation paths are already added in the Sc2gears-win.cmd file. If you installed it somewhere else, add your path too. Just open the Sc2gears-win.cmd file with a text editor (Notead), and append your Java home folder separated with a semicolon the end of the first line (remember to add the bin subfolder). For example if your Java is installed in the folder: "c:\Progs\Java\jre7", then it should be like this:

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Progs\Java\jre7\bin

If you have Java and Sc2gears doesn't start (no window appears), check the "User content/logs/system_messages.log" file. It's a simple text file, you can open it with any text editors.

I experience graphical glitches and rendering problems

This is caused by another program which have transparency and/or does some overlay on top of other applications which collides with Java and not Sc2gears specifically. Try closing your other running programs one by one to see which one causes it. Some programs that were reported causing this: Teamspeak 3.

Some of these programs are aware that they collide with other applications and offer some kind of solution (for example placing a file inside the Sc2gears folder might inform that application not to overlay Sc2gears).