
  1. Suif Z, Yoshimura C, Saavedra OCV, Hul S. Potential impacts of climate change and planned dams on suspended sediment dynamics in Mekong River Basin, 15th SCA Conference and International Symposium, Siem Reap (Cambodia), 15–17th May 2015. [Oral Presentation]
  2. Siev S, Paringit EC, Yoshimura C, Hul S. Hydrodynamics modelling of reversal flow in Tonle Sap River. International Symposium of Ecology and Civil Engineering Society, Tokyo (Japan), 13th September 2015. [Poster Presentation]
  3. Uk S, Siev S, Yoshimura C, Hul S. Water quality distribution in Tonle Sap Lake Basin, Cambodia. International Symposium of Ecology and Civil Engineering Society, Tokyo (Japan), 13 September 2015. [Poster Presentation]
  4. Siev S, Suif Z, Yoshimura C, Paringit EC, Hul S. Potential impacts of climate change on inundation and sediment dynamics in the floodplain of Tonle Sap River. 7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development, Bangkok (Thailand), 5–7th November 2015. [Poster Presentation]
  5. Siev S, Uk S, Yoshimura C. Elucidation and modelling of water quality of highly turbid water body of Tonle Sap Lake, Honda Y-E-S Forum 2015, Tokyo (Japan), 18 November 2015. [Poster Presentation]