When you can't get a hold of me...

... chances are I'm somewhere like here!

Paddling/camping in the Saguenay Fjord, Quebec, July 2020

À la fin de la descente, une fille bien fatiguée mais contente ;-)

After a kind of big accident at the end of 2016, I'm back on my skis again in February 2018... I guess the smile at the end of the this first trip tells everything!

Après, il s'est mis à neiger tout le temps, et donc on a du skier en fôret presque tout le temps car les sommets étaient dans le brouillard. Mais j'ai réussi à skier un peu tous les 10 jours de congé qu'on a ici à Pâques!!

Happy to be out enjoying the nature again!!

Moi qui rush un peu dans la poudreuse car il y en a un peu trop - qui aurait cru que je dise ça un jour :-D - mais quand même amusant!

The legs do not too bad skiing the Norwegian powder again!

Le voilà en action

Here for the first time testing kiting in the beginning of the winter of 2018... these legs can still function well enough :-)!

Joining Sig and Elina on their sailboat in Tenerife, Canary Island, January 2018, nice to be back on my legs and travel again.

Une énorme craque :-D!!

Beautiful rocks formation in Tenerife, January 2018

On a campé à 3200 m et ensuite le lendemain matin au levé du soleil, on est monté au sommet. Le volcan est encore active, avec du soufre qui fume (et qui pu!) dans le cratère le plus haut.

Hiking to the top of Del Teide, Tenerife, January 2018

Le lendemain, il s'est mis à neiger en malade, donc on a fait des montées un peu plus relaxes :-D

Ice climbing with Eirik and Kjetil, February 2016

Et comme les journées sont maintenant ultra courtes, ben on finit dans le noir à grimper à la frontale, mais c'est quand même pas trop mal, tu restes ultra focusé :-D!

Night ice climbing in Lyngen, November 2015

Week-end de mars dans les Alpes de Lyngen, on est allé faire Nordre Jægervasstind d'abord, ici on a GG qui fini la montée

Skiing in the Lyngen Alps, GG on the picture, March 2016

GG qui descend le couloir

Nice steep couloir, Store Jægervasstind, Lyngen Alps, March 2016

Moi sur le plateau avant d'atteindre le sommet, on voit un bout de "hanging glacier", un glacier suspendu derrière moi.

Skiing in Lyngen Alps, March 2016

Un arrêt à la plage secrète, Jenny, ça te rappellera des souvenirs ;-)

Sailyak, June 2015

La belle gang de filles après une super journée de grimpe

A bunch of happy climbers on Kalymnos, September 2015

Sailyak in Sommarøya, June 2015

Glacier hiking, Lyngen Alps, June 2014

Reaching a mountain top just to get a tiny bit of sun after the dark season

The iconic Tre Cime, Dolomites, August 2015

Trad climbing in Col de Varda, Dolomites, August 2015

Trad climbing in beautiful Lofoten, May 2014

un peu plus, il ne reste que le grand couloir à monter...

Going up the steep couloir of Store Jægervasstinden (Lyngen Alps, March 2015)...

Andreas en qui s'en donne à coeur joie! C'est ultra rare qu'on a de la neige aussi profonde dans du aussi pentu et que ça tient côté avalanche - on avait la combinaison idéale pour se faire des sommets de fou à pâques!!

...skiing it down (Andreas on the picture)...

À l'abri des avalanches dans un petit coin du couloir pour attendre les autres avec Sigurd.

...and enjoying the amazing view!!

A happy bunch exploring Steindalsbreen glacier, Lyngen Alps, June 2014

Climbing with Gin and GG, Misurina Lake, Dolomites, August 2015

Paddling Grøtfjord, Tromsø, Fall 2014

Rappelling in the unknown to climb back "Vide et eau", a beautiful aerial multi-pitch in Calanques, October 2013

Sports climbing in Gullknausen (the "golden crag") in Tromsø, August 2014

Beautiful day of snow kiting on Takvatnet, March 2015

Ice climbing in Ersfjord, Senja, February 2016

SUP paddling at sunset in Ersfjord, Tromsø, September 2014

Glacier walking with Melou in on Nigardsbreen Jostedal August 2014

Wondering with Melou on beaches in Sommerøya

Paddling with the beautiful view of the sun setting on Tromsø, October 2014

Bouldering in Lofoten, May 2014

Admiring the northern lights

Skiing in "la vallée des fantômes" in Monts-Vallins, with Val

Hiking in Yukon

Hiking in Lofoten, July 2010

Carving some lines in powder...

... and enjoying the after ski in the sun...

... next to the water, having a BBQ with friends

Climbing in Ersfjord, near Tromsø

On top of King's Throne, Yukon, with Melou

Climbing with GG on a beautiful overhang wall in Eggum, Lofoten

A little mountain bike ride in the toundra

Hiking in the Lyngen Alpes

Camping in Little Hawaii during the midnight sun season

Fantastic climbing in Kalymnos, Greece, October 2012

Trad climbing in the superbe Henningsvær area in Lofoten,GG at one of the belay points

Climbing the classic and fantastic Gandalf route in Lofoten, Maja on the picture

Climbing a very nice route in Ersfjord, Tromsø, August 2012

Skiing around Tromsø, here on Karltind with Jean-Claude, Sigurd, Elina, and Esther

Skiing camp during the Easter holidays next to the shoreline in the Lyngen Alps

Skiing in Lofoten during the easter holidays

Skiing in the Lyngen Alps during the Easter holidays

Climbing on Mellomtind, Johan on the picture

Skiing in Lofoten, booting up a steep corridor

Climbing on the super granite of Ersfjord, Amélie on the picture

Nice long route in Ersfjord, starts with a cool dièdre, followed by a long slab with tiny cracks, which were completely wet to spice the route a little more!! Thanks to the rainy summer this year in Tromsø!! September 2012

Sunset at the top of Mellomtind, couldn't ask for a better view for climbing the last stretch after a long day

Glacier walking in Jostedal

Admiring the glacier field and studying crevass formation at Steinmann, Jostedal

Paddling around Tromsø

Ski-paddling combo! Nice access to some less accessible areas...

A bit challenging to keep warm when changing, but definitely a must do!

Who said we can't ski with no light in the dark season?

Exploring a new top... bringing new perspectives for future tops!

Hard to wish for better skiing conditions... Storstolpan in late season... powder, powder, powder... Anders on the picture

Did I mention about the skiing view?