Picture : Roxanne Turgeon
Laurie Jacob
MSc candidate – 2023
Supervision: Steeve D. Côté and Sandra Hamel
Influence of paternal phenotypic quality on sex ratio and phenotypic traits of offspring in mountain goats
Parental traits are crucial in determining the phenotypes and sex ratio of offspring. In mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus), maternal phenotypic traits exert a strong influence on those of their offspring. However, since fatherhood is more difficult to establish in nature, this influence has not been characterized in the case of paternal traits. The aim of my project is therefore to study the influence of paternal phenotypic quality on the sex ratio and phenotypic traits of offspring in mountain goats. The study population is located at Caw Ridge, in Alberta, and has been marked and monitored since 1989, which is a necessity to be able to conduct such a project. Based on the previous knowledge acquired on this population, the goal of my research would be to determine 1) whether the age, mass, social rank and annual reproductive success of sires affect the sex ratio of their offspring and 2) whether the age, mass and social rank of sires influence mass, survival and future reproductive success of their offspring. Although a few studies have already been carried out on the effects of age, mass, reproductive success or social rank of sires on their offspring using different species, my study would be the first to consider a combination of all these factors to determine the overall influence of these paternal traits on offspring phenotypic traits and sex ratio in mountain goats.