
Picture : Roxanne Turgeon

Mattis Pelletier

MSc candidate 2023

Supervision: Sandra Hamel and Steeve D. Côté

Cohort effects on life-history traits of migratory caribou 

Environmental conditions experienced early in an individual's life have a large influence on its development and adult body size. My project aims to assess which environmental conditions experienced in the first year of life result in cohort effects that are reflected in the size and body mass of migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) at 1 year of age. In addition, I will assess the impact of cohort effects on population recruitment, as well as annual survival and longevity of females. A better understanding of the influence of cohort effects on life-history traits will allow identifying the key factors affecting the recent dynamics of declining caribou populations. These results are essential for the implementation of conservation measures.