
Picture : Roxanne Turgeon

Myriam Tougas-Dumesnil

MSc candidate 2023

Supervision: Sandra Hamel and Steeve D. Côté

Birthdate phenology in alpine ungulates

Birthdate affects growth and survival of temperate ungulates. Early-born individuals benefit from longer growth periods before winter. They typically have increased survival compared to those born later in the season. Life-history events such as birth can be driven by multiple factors, including environmental conditions. Thus, my project aims to assess and quantify the interannual changes in birthdate in two populations of alpine ungulates in Alberta, mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus) and bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). I will investigate the influence of interannual variations of environmental conditions, and of other factors such as population density and individual traits, on birthdate. These results are essential to anticipate climate-driven phenological changes, potential mismatches, and their impacts on alpine ungulates survival.