
UpDates: march 2024

Happy New year to all Sac Valley Air Gun Club participants and those who may wish to join us this 2024 season at the Sacramento shooting center located at Ione CA.

As previous years, we shoot at Range #9 on the 4th Sunday of each month from March through October (weather depending ).

Set up generally starts @ 7:30-8:00 with the match getting underway around 9:30 or so.

A recap

Field target rifles / pistols are limited to a maximum of 20 fpe in AAFTA field target at these events. Higher power guns are unable to be shot during field target events.  The specific AAFTA class you're shooting in may have specific limitations on power, optics, support, sitting aids etc. that one may use.

So, if in doubt of AAFTA rules for specific classes, please read the handbook or reach out to me or others we shoot with for further information.   

(This is for those who wish to follow AAFTA rules and are going to shoot field target in club events).

What's changing for 2024 

As an airgun club traditionally playing the game of field target following AAFTA rules, when the club was formed 10 years ago, the founding members along with a large contingent also shot at away matches, Grand Prix events, Nationals, etc.

We find ourselves this many years later having more shooters than ever with a striking difference...most shooting with us now only seem to shoot club fun matches either at Sac Valley or Diablo in the Bay Area.

Those of us who still travel and compete outside club events are strictly tied to AAFTA class rules and abide by them to the letter.

So, here is where it gets more fun and accommodating for many in our ranks at SVFTC club events.

Without getting political, there has been a class many have tried through the years attempting to get the AAFTA approval. It has failed to be so and remains a Non Sanctioned class, but we are going to offer it at SVFTC events! “Unlimited” is the name many were trying to adopt, and it is a fitting name.

We will operate within the AAFTA overall guidelines (yes 20 fpe max ) but NO LIMITATIONS on the mixing and matching of gear, shooting aids, optics, seating etc.

So now if you wish to sit on a bucket/seat, use shooting sticks and have a 50X scope, use holdover or click…you can!! Slings, palm rests, butt hooks, thigh rests etc. are all allowed. Any mix & match of AAFTA legal gear/equipment may be used in Unlimited.

Next subject: Club match equipment and gear

All the club match equipment and support gear will be on-site behind the large shipping containers at Range 6 where the blocks have been stored. Now blocks are on a trailer, and targets, winders, clamps, paint, etc. are in a smaller locked steel box alongside them. Both will be chained and locked. Target maintenance, repair and painting will happen after every match with everything returned to storage, ready for the next month's match. It will be encouraged to help out in doing the target repair/painting and with many willing should happen quickly and painlessly....THANK YOU in advance! Those who will be running/match directing any given SVFTC matches through the season/s will have keys to gain access.  

Another subject

We're an AIRGUN club...yes we are, though we are lacking in diversity of the games one can play shooting air guns. Only the Field Target game is limited to 20 fpe limitations and the shooting of our club's knock down targets. As stated at a few events in 2020, we can play other games with other target types, higher power, further distances etc. to be far more inclusive to more airgunners in general.  

But we need LEADERSHIP from others to step up and spearhead this effort ! Scott Schneider runs and match directs the field target activities with the clubs help. Who wants to step up and talk about setting some other airgun-related activities with the club's help? This could happen after an FT match as a same day second event (we have had folks stay after and play around after matches for years), or, if in time such an event became more fun than FT, it could be a semi-monthly activity alternating with FT? 

In closing

Anyhow .... it's been an interesting winter and the SVFTC is about to get started once more. The 1st match of the year in March will be our Jim Cyran Memorial Match which we started after Jim's passing. Not planning on a huge food fest, we will have food, but if some would like to do a little something extra for the club's benefit I'm all ears to have that conversation. 

Thank you for your time in reading this, and may we see you this 2024 season for some field target and more with many great people!!  

Scott Schneider 

Match Director, SVFTC