October 22

What an interesting day, 6:30 am and it is just starting to rain here in the foothills and while driving out to the more valley-situated range we drive out from under the weather.

Our day starts off cloudy and humid but no rain at the Sac Valley Shooting Center!!!

We have a pretty good group assembled before 8am with able and willing bodies eager to get set up. This month the MD just assigns set X lane between @ 4 individuals allowing them to pick placement and size KZ appropriate to the distance. We get 15 lanes of 2 per set up with an extra bell target ( 3 ) making for a 62 shot match.

As a giggle shared during match it was asked ... "When did the Club acquire SO MANY No Kill Zone-size targets?" We'll assume that being a comment on the difficulty present at today's SVFTC club / Fun match  

After getting the match targets in place, checking overall layout and placement, the crew gets to practice for a 1/2 hour or so. We get no stragglers making squadding and general speed to get the match going easy peezy. We have 22 shooters, very shootable weather, and near calm winds as we start our semi-informal match by @ 9:30 after a shooters' meeting.



Vince P 49


Bill C 52

Fred B 33


Mark W 50

Jim P 31

AJ 27


Dave C 53

Lonnie S 50

Chang H 49

Scott H 41


Cameron W 55

John B 55

Darren T 53

Zack L 52

Scott S 47

Dane 47

Conrad R 46

Erick S 44

Pete P 43

Sam R 40

Weiye 39

Keven H 37

At completion of match the crew gets it all torn back down, and targets get fresh paint all ready for next season. There's a small post-match announcement on how every one did today, thanks to all on being active this season and their unwavering support.

Well that ends the 2023 FT season with the SVFTC and what a great year of club FT it has been!!! We have had attendance of 18-26 shooters every SVFTC match all season!!

Until we see each other again in 2024 when we hope to get shooting again in March (weather pending?) or for sure April, stay dry, healthy and out of trouble's wrath!!!

THANK YOU to all of those who shoot with the SVFTC, you have ALL made these monthly matches a huge success for Northern California air gun enthusiasts.

Scott Schneider

SVFTC Match Director