10 - October 27, 2019

Let's start this month's report with saying BLUSTERY, we're talking in-your-face 12 to 18 MPH wind with gusts well above 30 MPH!! OK, we're a tough group and can deal with a bit of sand and dirt in our face, our eyes, our teeth, in our guns, on our optics, in our gun cases ... everywhere! Compound that with falling trees, breaking branches, stuff blowing over and the usual mild hurricane sort of issues. Like I said, we're a tough group ;D

LOL ....

Sunday was our Shooter Appreciation Match to highlight our 2019 season giving thanks back to our members who supported us this year and the 8 monthly matches hosted by the SVFTC. Day started like all our matches do with plenty of help showing up as the facility gates opened up @ 8:00 am.

We uncovered all the cinder blocks and loaded up on the truck to distribute them on the 11 lanes we were setting today -- 44 shots + an added kneeler to make it a 46 shot event. Being we are having a prize raffle and lunch afterwards and very aware the wind was howlin, it was decided to keep the participant abuse at a minimum. We stayed inside Cowboy Town hoping it offered some degree of protection ... which it did, while it DID NOT at the same time.

We set up practice targets and while some tried their best to get in some shots, the folded over and buffeting paper targets made for an interesting moving target event ... Huh, that's not working too well ... most gave up pretty quickly. Quick and Dirty shooters meeting asking all present to make the most of it and JUST HAVE FUN, learn to shoot in the wind and just ... deal with it best you can.

Most if not all were chuckling over the insanity of what faced us and in good spirits headed to their assigned starting lanes. In all we ended up with 26 shooters having 2 bow out for obvious reasons and a 3rd with a badly sprained if not broken ankle happening the night before, yet came out never the less. We had 4 folks make the 300+ mile trek down from Oregon to shoot with us which made it a bit of a reunion too.

* As a note: Course layout was adjusted to the conditions and our furthest shots were IIRC @ 43 yards & 39 yards and both 2" KZ ... Nice and big easy to hit ! ... LOL, see pictures below.

Troyer guesstimate an EASY 20-21 which was soooooo cleanable had conditions calmed down. So that said a perfect course and no one came close to cleaning it.

Day's results with maximum 46 points possible:

WFTF Piston

Cameron K 35

Jim P 25


Riz M 40

Son L 33

Chris L 30

Darren T 26

Tak 21


Bob K 38

Dave C 38

Chris M 36

Tom K 18

Hunter Piston

Mark W 31

Zak 29

Jesse A 8

Hunter PCP

Scott S 41 * High Match score

John B 39

Janet 37

Steve 36

Jim C 36

Rob R 36

Wayne B 35

Fred B 32

Conrad R 30

Frank W 27

Ahmed G 21

AJ 16

After we finished up a speeedy tear down, all attending converged on the shelter of the indoor range / side clubhouse for some lunch. Some of Jim C's Infamous Chili, wieners and hot links, side salad, chips, drinks and cookies.

All the day's scores tabulated and a simple reading of the match that was .... WAS Windy and quite a handful for many, yet not so much for some, the scores that were shot tell that tale quite well.

Next came the Raffle or should we say: Score cards in a box, Names drawn at random allowing said member to come to the table and choose their own prize! Metal targets, gun cases, scopes, pellets, knives, chronograph, Bore Snakes, and a Diana rifle were among the prizes. While luck was in play when your name was called, such is the nature of raffles. Everyone who qualified to be in the raffle (2 or more matches shot with the SVFTC) got a prize along with claps and accolades from all in attendance. Simply a Great bunch of Guys and Gals!!

** Make note that the SVFTC does have a NOVEMBER match on the books for Saturday the 23rd at the IONE facility. Weather pending, we shoot .... if it rains, we're officially done for the year.

Thank You to Everyone who has supported the SVFTC in 2019, we don't have a club without you and your contributions in setting up and tearing down every month, showing up, shooting and having excellent sportsmanship towards others simply rounds out a great time had by all.

On behalf of the SVFTC,

Scott Schneider

Jim Cyran